"History of Lawrence, Orange and Washington Co.'s, Indiana" Goodspeed Bros. and Co., 1884 AARON WRIGHT was born in what is now known as Orleans Township, Orange Co., Ind., May 3, 1816. His parents were JONATHAN and SARAH (REED) WRIGHT. Jonathan's father was a resident of VIRGINIA. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary war, fighting for American Independence, and was killed in battle. He left a widow and quite a family of children, who separated, some of them being bound out. Such was the fate of Jonathan, who, when a boy, removed with the man to whom he was bound from Virginia to KENTUCKY. Here he was reared. He was married there to Miss SARAH REED, and in the fall of 1815 brought his family to Indiana, and located two miles east of Orleans, Orange County. He served in the war of 1812 against the Indians. He was the father of eleven children. Both he and his wife are now dead. Their lives were spent on a farm, Jonathan devoting part of his time to carpentering. In politics he was an Old Line Whig. During his life he held positions of honor and trust, and both, he and his wife were highly esteemed by all. Aaron Wright was reared on a farm; received a common school education, which was mostly procured by attending subscription schools. At the age of twenty-one years he started in life for himself by engaging in farming, which he has since followed. Like many of our prominent men, he began life a poor boy, with no capital. In 1838 he located where he now live, in Marion Township, Lawrence County, Indiana. He owns 300 acres of fine land, and has aided his children in procuring farms. On November 1, 1838, he married Miss JANE HALL, who was born in Orange County, Ind., June 4, 1817. To them were born eight children: PERMELIA, EMILY, ELIJAH, HENRY C., GREEN T., SARAH E., RHODA E. and ELMER E. Elijah, Henry C. and Green T. served in the late Civil war. Elijah went out with the Twenty-fourth Indiana Volunteer Infantry, Company G, but was transferred to a colored regiment as First Lieutenant, and died while serving his country. Henry C. was also a member of Company G, Twenty-fourth Indiana Volunteer Infantry. He was at Fort Blakeley and participated in a number of other engagements. He served until the war closed. Green T. went out with the One Hundred and Seventeenth Indiana Volunteer Infantry, serving one hundred days. Mr. Wright is one of the best farmers in the county. In politics he is a Republican; prior to the organization of which party he had always been a Whig. He is the Republican candidate for County Commissioner, a postilion he is eminently qualified to fill. He is also a Mason, and has ever taken a great interest in all projects which had for their object the country's good. He took an active part in sustaining the boys in the field during the war, and is one of the leading and influential citizens of the county. Data Entry Volunteer: Diana Flynn "ivie@tima.com"