JUDGE FRANCIS WILSON, of the Tenth Judicial Circuit of Indiana, was born in Scott County, Ind., February 19, 1837, second of seven children born to Thomas B. and Ann (Lowry) Wilson, early settlers of Indiana, the former being a tanner, at which trade Francis was brought up. After the age of fifteen years our subject taught school for about five years; during a portion of this time, however, he attended Hanover College. In 1857 he went to Illinois, where for two years he taught school and surveyed; also began the study of law there, borrowing books from Judge Breese. He then taught and studied for a couple of years at Paoli, Orange County, and in 1862 was admitted to practice at the bar of that county, afterward forming a connection with Col. A. M. Black, now of Terre Haute, until 1867, when he located in Bedford, Shawswick Township, forming a partnership with Col. A. C. Voris, and afterward with Hon. Moses F. Dunn, which lasted until he was elected Judge in 1879. The Judge in early life was a Republican, but has been a Democrat since 1872. As an evidence of the estimation in which Judge Wilson is held, it is only necessary to state that the judicial district over which he has been called to preside is not only a large one, but is Republican. October 24, 1861, he married Miss Mary White, daughter of Dr. Cornelius White, of Paoli, and one child has been born to him - Laura, born in July, 1862. Data Entry Volunteer: Diana Flynn "ivie@tima.com"