HARVEY VOYLES, M.D., was born in Washington County, Ind., in 1849, son of William and Elizabeth (Kyte) Voyles, and is of Welsh origin. The early life of Dr. Voyles was given to attendance at the common schools, and in service for his father on the farm. His literary education was confined, in addition to the common school, to the Salem Academy at Salem, Washington Co., Ind., and the State University at Bloomington. In 1874 Dr. Voyles began the study of medicine, in the office of Dr. James B. Wilson, at Salem, Ind., and afterward attended lectures at the Medical Department of the Louisville University, from which he graduated in 1877, and immediately began the practice of his profession at South Boston, Washington Co., Ind., where he remained two years, and then located at Trinity Springs, Martin Co., Ind., and there remained three years, and then came to Fayetteville, Lawrence County, where he has since been in active practice. As a practitioner of medicine he has been successful. Politically he is a Republican, and cast his first Presidential vote for U. S. Grant. Dr. Voyles is one of the leading young physicians of southern Indiana. Data Entry Volunteer: Diana Flynn "ivie@tima.com"