JOHN C. VOSS, jeweler, is a native of Perry Township, Lawrence County, Ind., born June 3, 1849, one of two living children in a family of six born to William and Elizabeth (Cook) Voss who were among the early settlers in Lawrence County from Tennessee. John C. Voss received a good common school education in the schools of his native county, and in the fall of 1865 moved to Bloomington, where one year later he began a course in the State University at that place. The spring of 1868 he began working at his trade, that of carpentering, which he had learned in early life with his father, and after this was engaged in clerking in a drug store for some time. He then began for himself in the jewelry business in Paoli, Orange Co., Ind., where he continued for about six months and then returned to Bloomington. In September,1881, he bought out George N. Rouse, and located in Bedford with a stock of jewelry valued at $2,000 which he has increased to the value of about $4,000. He is now known as one of the progressive and best business men of Bedford. October 5, 1882, he was married to Mary M. Hughes, and to their union one child-Maxwell H.-was born April 1, 1884. Mr.and Mrs. Voss are members of the Presbyterian Church and Mr. Voss is a member of the Blue Lodge in Masonry and a Republican in politics. Data Entry Volunteer: Diana Flynn ""