JOHN M. SEARS was born in Lawrence County, Ind., April 23, 1856, a son of William and Phebe (Cox) Sears, who were of English-German descent. At nineteen years of age he began doing for himself, and in June, 1876, in company with W. I. Jordan, embarked in general merchandising at Fayetteville. This partnership only lasted until August of the same year, when Mr. Sears purchased his partner's interest, since when he has conducted business alone. He keeps a large and well assorted stock of general merchandise, and has established a profitable trade. In politics he is a Republican, casting his first Presidential vote for Gen. Garfield in 1880. In 1882 he was the successful nominee of his party for the office of Township Trustee, serving one term to the entire satisfaction of all concerned, and erecting two schoolhouses. He takes an active interest in educational matters of all kinds and is recognized as one of the county's progressives young men. He is a member of the Christain Church. Data Entry Volunteer: Diana Flynn ""