"History of Lawrence, Orange and Washington Co.'s, Indiana" Goodspeed Bros. and Co., 1884 JOHN SCOGGAN was born in this township (Shawswick Twp., Lawrence County, Indiana) December 10, 1831, the fourth of ten children of SAMUEL and LUCY (MARTIN) SCOGGAN, natives of KENTUCKY. Each of the parents was the eldest of his or her father's family, and is the only one now living. They came to this State at the early date of 1828, when the country was yet a wilderness. John had no such school advantages as exist at present, but managed to secure the rudiments. His youth was passed without event on his father's farm at hard work. January 11, 1855, he married ELIZABETH (AUSTIN) NOLAN, and nine children are the issue, seven now living: THOMAS W., who married MARY I. SMITH; MARGARET M., who married JESSE MITCHELL, JR.; KATHARINE B., who became the wife of HUGH GRAY: SARAH A., who married SAMUEL E. MITCHELL; SUSAN E., CLARA M. and ALBERT W. Mr. Scoggan is a successful farmer and owns 195 acres of good land. He is a Republican in politics, and one of the county's best and most influential farmers. Data Entry Volunteer: Diana Flynn "ivie@tima.com"