E. C. NEWTON, merchant tailor, was born in Summerville, Ohio, January 31, 1859, where he was reared and educated, after which he served an apprenticeship at tailoring in his native town. He then located for one year at Hamilton, after which he was employed at different points in Ohio, until May, 1879, when he located in Mitchell, working with John Sandeur for a short time. He was then cutter for A. Wood & Co., until August, 1882, when he established his present business, in which he is doing finely, his tables being loaded with both imported and domestic goods of the best qualities. He was married in Bedford, Ind., October 14, 1880, to Miss Fannie Warren, who was born in Lawrence County, Ind., in March, 1859, and their union has been blessed with one child--Myrtle. Mr. Newton is an I. O. O. F. and a Republican. Data Entry Volunteer: Diana Flynn "ivie@tima.com"