"HISTORY OF LAWRENCE, ORANGE & WASHINGTON COUNTIES INDIANA" GOODSPEED BROS. 1884 JESSE A. MITCHELL. Among the prominent men and pioneers of Lawrence County, Indiana was ROBERT and MARTHA (SUTER) MITCHELL, parents of the subject of this sketch, who setttled here in 1819. Mr. Mitchell was an active citizen of the county, served as County Sheriff and Clerk, was Adjutant-General. He died of camp fever at Matamoras and was there buried. Jesse A. Mitchell was born September 11, 1822, in Lawrence County, and was here raised and educated. He early began clerking in his father's store, but in 1840 began in business for himself at Springville, subsequently continuing at Heltonville. In 1842 he returned to Bedford, which has ever since been his home. For the past forty years he has been one of the most active business men in Lawrence County during that time. Merchandising, pork-packing, stock-dealing, speculating and dealing in real estate has absorbed the greater part of his time, and at present he owns and controls over 3.000 acres of land in Lawrence and Pike Counties, besides valuable town property. Mr. Mitchell began in life poor, and deserves much credit for the signal success his energies have met with, and his boast is that he has never been sued on his own account. April 28, 1842, Miss CLARRISSA HOUSTON, a native of Bourbon County, Kentucky, became his wife, and to them have been born eight children, six only being yet alive, whose names are: ALICE M., FLORENCE O., ROBERT, JESSE H., MARTHA and WILLIAM A. Both parents belong to the Christian Church. Mr. Mitchell has been a life-long Democrat, and in thr Masonic fraternity has advanced to the Chapter. Data Entry Volunteer: Diana Flynn "ivie@tima.com"