"HISTORY OF LAWRENCE, ORANGE & WASHINGTON COUNTIES INDIANA" GOODSPEED BROS. 1884 JAMES M. MCDOWELL, a native of Lawrence County, Indiana, of which he is now Sheriff, was born July 31, 1843, one of nine children born to JOHN and ANN (OWENS) MCDOWELL, who moved from North Carolina to Indiana when it was yet a Territory. James M. received a common school education in youth and was raised a farmer, which occupation he has principally followed since. March 1, 1874, he was married to Miss ELLEN ARMSTRONG and to their union four children have been born, three of whom are living - EDITH J., GAIL H. and LENA M. Mr. and Mrs. McDowell are members of the Christian Church at the Popcorn Society near Springville, and Mr. McDowell is a member of the Knights of Phthias, having a demit card from that order. He is a Republican in politics and as a candidate of his party has been elected Justice of the Peace in Perry Township, and in 1882 Sheriff of this county where he is now serving. In 1880 he was the census enumerator of Perry Township. Mr. McDowell has recently purchased a hardware store and hotel at Owensburg, Greene County, Indiana, where he expects to move early in 1885 and devote his entire time and attention to looking after his interests in that place. Data Entry Volunteer: Diana Flynn "ivie@tima.com"