"History of Lawrence, Orange and Washington Co.'s, Indiana" Goodspeed Bros. and Co., 1884 JAMES MARLEY, a native of the township and county where he yet resides, and the third son and fifth born in a family of eight children, was born June 9, 1838. He was raised on a farm, obtained a fair education in youth and July 29, 1860, was united in marriage with MISS NANCY FERRELL, who was born October 30, 1843, a daughter of JOHN and MARY (HOARD) FERRELL. When treason threatened the destruction of the Union, Mr. Marley was among the first to volunteer for its preservation, and July 12, 1862, became a member of Company F, Sixty-fifth Indiana Volunteer Infantry. In 1863 he was commissioned Second Lieutenant of his company, and early in 1865 was promoted to the First Lieutenancy, serving as such until the close of the war, being honorably discharged July 5, 1865. Since that time he has engaged extensively in agricultural pursuits, and a fertile farm of 400 acres is the result of his labors. As an unswerving and outspoken Republican, Mr. Marley was elected Township Trustee in 1868, serving as such continuously until 1880, with credit to himself and township. In 1884 he was again elected to this responsible position. Mrs. Marley is a member of the Baptist Church and the mother of those here named: MARY (deceased), JOHN, ALFRED, HOWARD, ROLLA, HARLEY, WALTER, JOSEPH B. and CHRISTOPHER C. MANLEY and SARAH (BLAIR) MARLEY, parents of our subject, were natives of North Carolina, were married in Lawrence County, Ind., and for many years resided in Martin County this State. Data Entry Volunteer: Diana Flynn "ivie@tima.com"