NATHAN JACKSON, a pioneer of this county, was born May 6, 1808, in the Old Dominion. His parents were John and Nancy (Farmer) Jackson, the former a native of England, from whence he emigrated to the United States, stopping for a time at the city of Baltimore, where he was married, then removing to Virginia, where he died at a ripe old age. In 1828 Nathan Jackson and Miss Martha Potter, a native of North Carolina, were married, and two years later they emigrated West, where they expected to build a home in the new country. They came to Lawrence County, Ind., and made settlement near where they now reside, and Lawrence County has ever since been their home. By a life of industry Mr. Jackson has accumulated 480 acres of land. In the acquisition of this Mrs. Jackson has been an efficient helpmeet, sharing with her husband all the hardships and adversities of pioneer life. Mr. Jackson is a Democrat, and his wife is a member of long standing in the Christian Church. Ten children have blessed their marriage, six of whom are yet living. Data Entry Volunteer: Diana Flynn ""