WILLIAM P. HODGE, of Daggy, Hodge & Walheiser, was born in England, December 25, 1836, one of six children born to William and Elizabeth (Peters) Hodge. He received his schooling in his native country, and when twelve years old emigrated with his parents to the United States. When about fifteen years old he began the carriage and wagon trade at Cleveland, where he worked three years as an apprentice. For two and a half years after this he worked at his trade in Sheboygan, Wis., then came to Indiana, and in the fall of 1856 located in Lawrence County. In about 1857 he started a wagon-shop at Heltonville, which he continued about two years, then began in business at Bedford. This has ever since been his home, and with but a short time while merchandising, has been working at his trade. The spring of 1866 the firm of Daggy, Hodge & Walheiser was formed, and today do an extensive business in the manufacture of wagons, carriages, etc.; deal in agricultural implements and operate the leading livery of the place. Mr. Hodge is a member of the Chapter and Council in masonry; is a Republican, and he and wife belong to the Methodist Episcopal Church. December 28, 1858, Mr. Hodge and Miss Mary M. Malott were united in marriage, and they adopted for their child, Fanny Elder, now Mrs. H. H. Walls. Data Entry Volunteer: Diana Flynn "ivie@tima.com"