"History of Lawrence, Orange and Washington Co.'s, Indiana" Goodspeed Bros. and Co., 1884 HARRISON FIELD was born in Bourbon County, Ky., October 22, 1810, son of Joseph and Jemima (Wright) Field, the father a native of Culpeper County, Va., and the mother of Woodford County, Ky. The Fields were originally from England, their settlement in this country dating at colonial times. Members of the family served in the Revolution and in the early Indian or border wars. The grandfather, Daniel, served in the Revolution and afterward bought a large tract of land in Bourbon County, Ky. The father married Miss Wright in Kentucky, and in 1814 settled in Washington County, Indiana, on Twin Creek, and about two years later came to Bono Township, Lawrence County, but after a time located on the G. R. Field farm, in this township (Marion Township, Lawrence County), and there passed the remainder of his days. His children were Thomas, George, Harrison (our subject), Sarah, Daniel, Willis and Joseph J. Our subject, when seventeen years old, with meager education, began farming for himself--hiring out by the month at $5, $6 and $8 per month. He made four trips to New Orleans on flat boats, receiving $30 for the round trip. At the end of seven years he had saved considerable and he bought eighty acres. He now has 246 acres (Marion Township). His wife, Ellen Rankin, whom he married October 13, 1835, bore him these children: Mary A., Sarah J., Susan Y., Harrison W., Ellen J., George T., William C., James W., Willis P., Albert M and John R. Sarah, Susan, George and John only are living. Harrison, Jr., died while in the last war. George served and safely returned. The Rankins settled in Washington County in 1811, and five years later near Bedford. Mr. Field is a Republican, and he and wife are members of the Christian Church. They are excellent people. Data Entry Volunteer: Diana Flynn "ivie@tima.com"