"History of Lawrence, Orange and Washington Co.'s, Indiana" Goodspeed Bros. and Co., 1884 ASA ERWIN, farmer, was born in Shawswick Township, Lawrence County, Ind., January 23, 1818, where he was reared to farming and educated, being the fifth of thirteen children born to ROBERT and MARY (PEARSOLE) ERWIN, respectively of North Carolina and Wales. He has always followed farming, and in 1838 purchased fifty-eight acres in Marion Township at $1.25 per acre. This land he improved, and has since added to it until he now has 600 acres in the tract, and owns 400 acres besides. In 1883 he permanently located in Mitchell, and is a large-hearted, public-spirited man, favoring all laudable undertakings. He has been twice married; first to ROSANNA MASON, January 2, 1841; she died in January, 1880, leaving six children--PRISCILLA, BEVERLY C., HENRY C., EDWARD E., SARAH J. and MILTON GRANT--living, and four dead. February 24, 1884, he married MRS. ELIZABETH S. ADAMS, a native of England. The family are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and he is a Democrat, but was a Whig until the late war, having cast his first vote for Harrison. Mr. Erwin is dealing extensively in lime, producing at his kilns near Whitlock about 14,000 barrels per year. Data Entry Volunteer: Diana Flynn "ivie@tima.com"