History of Lawrence, Orange and Washington Co.,'s Indiana Goodspeed Bros. and Co., 1884 CAPT. JEREMIAH E. DEAN, a veteran of the Mexican and last Civil wars was born in Clark County, Ky., October 25, 1821 and is one of five children born to James and Mary (Campbell) Dean. When a small lad he went to Marian County, Ind., making that his home until about fourteen years old, when he moved to Orange County to live with an uncle. Until attaining his majority he worked on a farm, then worked two years in a grist mill at Lawrenceport, after which he moved to Bedford. May 7, 1847, he enlisted in Company I, Sixteenth Regiment of United States Infantry, served in the Mexican war until he was honorably discharged at Newport, Ky., July 28, 1848. May 24, 1849, Mary A. Owens became his wife, shortly after which he moved to Springville, where for over twenty years he was engaged in blacksmithing. June 7 1861, he enlisted in Company F, Fifteenth Indiana Volunteers, and on the organization of the company was elected First Lieutenant, a position he held until after the battle of Stone River, when he was advanced to the Captain of his company. Besides various skirmishes in which he was engaged he was an active participant in the battles of Shiloh, Stone River, Chickamanga and Mission Ridge. Mr. Dean is a member of the Blue Lodge in Masonry, is a Republican in politics, and in 1875 was elected Auditor of Lawrence County, serving as such four years. He is at present engaged in the hardware trade. Both Mr. and Mrs. Dean are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and the following named of there ten children are yet living: Samuel M., Sarah C., D J,. Amanda T., Harriet C. and Jeremiah H. Data Entry Volunteer: Lynn Dielman "lynnd@adnc.com" Lawrence12.gif 9/7/97