History of Lawrence, Orange and Washington Co.,'s Indiana Goodspeed Bros. and Co., 1884 WILLIAM DAY was born in North Carolina, October 12, 1820, and was the fourth child of eleven born to Archibald and Ruthie (Woody) Day, both natives of North Carolina, who came to Shawswick Township in 1827. Our subject spent his early years on his father's farm at hard Labor, and continued there until the age of twenty-three years, receiving poor educational advantages, but making the most of what he could get. September 19, 1850, he married Elizabeth Woody, who has borne him eleven children, eight of whom are now living. Robert W., who married Lois Duncan; Jesse M., who married Mary I. Malott (deceased); Ruth E. who married John F. Wright, Lewis F., Kitty C., William W., Elizabeth F. and Nannie R. Mr. Day has followed farming through life, and now owns 208 acres of the land. In March, 1848, he enlisted for three months in the wary with Mexico, and was honorably discharged at the expiration of his term of enlistment. In December, 1863 he enlisted in Company I, One Hundred and Twentieth Indiana Regiment and served with distinction until he was mustered out in January 1866 as Lieutenant. He was at Kenesaw Mountain, Resaca, Decatur Ga., Atlanta, Nashville, Kingston, N.C., and other battles of less note. He is a Republican and is active in politics, having been candidate for Sheriff. He has served often as County Poor Superintendent, and has been prominently connected with the Agricultural Society. He belongs to three secret societies: Mason, Odd Fellow and G.A.R. and he and wife are members of the Christian Church. Data Entry Volunteer: Lynn Dielman "lynnd@adnc.com" Lawrence11.gif 9/7/97