History of Lawrence, Orange and Washington Co.,'s Indiana Goodspeed Bros. and Co., 1884 COL. HENRY DAVIS, a veteran of the war with Mexico and of the Rebellion, was born in Franklin County, N.C., October 9, 1812, and is one of five children of Wiley O. and Susan (Kitchen) Davis. When yet a small lad he moved with his parents to Haywood County, Tenn., and when about fifteen years old began a three- years' apprenticeship at the saddler's trade, which has been his occupation until within the past few years. To his marriage with Elizabeth T. Davis, which occurred December 22, 1833,these children have been born: Frances, Sarah J., Melissa, Albert H. Gustavus C. and three deceased. In 1838 he removed to Leesville, Lawrence Co., Ind where he resided a number of years. June 20, 1846, he was enrolled in Company F, Second Regiment Indiana Infantry, of the Mexican war, and of this he was chosen Captain. He served with Gen. Taylor through the battle of Buena Vista, and was honorably discharged June 21, 1847. In 1849 he moved to Bedford, from where he enlisted in September, 1862, in the Eighty-second Indiana Volunteer Infantry, of which he was commissioned Lieutenant Colonel. At the battle of Chickamanga he not only lost a son but was severely hurt by a Minie ball which struck his sabre squarely and with tremendous force. Besides the above battle, he served through Perrysville, Hoover's Gap and Stone River. Owing to his injury he resigned, and was discharged in October, 1863. Col. Davis is a Sir Knight in Masonry, a Camp Degree Odd Fellow, a stanch Republican, and for four years, beginning in about 1850, served as County Treasurer. In 1877 he was commissioned Postmaster at Bedford, and is yet serving as such. August 26, 1858, his wife died, and December 9 of the same year, Christina (Culbertson) Kern became his wife. This lady died April 4, 1872. Col. Davis is a member of the G.A.R. and the Christian Church. Data Entry Volunteer: Lynn Dielman "lynnd@adnc.com"