WILLIAM CULMER was born in the county of Kent, England, March 1, 1822, son of Stephen and Sarah (Woodruff) Culmer; is the fourth in a family of eleven children, and is of pure English lineage. When Mr. Culmer was about thirteen years of age he came with his parents to America and settled in Alleghany County, Penn., where the family lived until 1852, when it emigrated to Lawrence County, Ind., and made settlement in Perry Township, and here the subject of this mention has since resided. By occupation Mr. Culmer is a farmer and stock-raiser. Formerly he gave most of his attention to farming, but of late years has been more extensively engaged in stock-raising. He owns more than 400 acres of well improved land, and is one of the leading and successful men of Perry Township. He has made his own way in life and through energy and economy has obtained a competence. The marriage of Mr. Culmer took place in 1846, to Miss Susanna Catherwood, a native of Pittsburgh, Penn. To this union have been born the following children: John W., Charles C., George (deceased), Stephen, Eliza (deceased), Sarah E., Fannie and William. Mr. Culmer has given much attention to the education of his children. Charles C. and Stephen are graduates of Asbury University and John W. of the State University at Bloomington. These sons are ministers in the Methodist Episcopal Church, of which church Mr. and Mrs. Culmer are members. Mr. Culmer is a Republican and has been Assessor of Perry Township. The family is well known and highly respected. Data Entry Volunteer: Diana Flynn "ivie@tima.com"