HENRY COX, farmer and stock-raiser, was born November 17, 1835, in Indian Creek Township, Lawrence Co., Ind., son of Alexander and Zibah (Adamson) Cox, and is of Irish-German extraction. Mr. Cox remained at home and worked on the farm for his father until about twenty-seven years of age, when he began farming and stock-raising for himself. He was united in marriage to Miss Emily J. Kern, also a native of Lawrence County, daughter of Benjamin Kern. The year 1836 marks this event. They have the following children: Minnie M., Idis and Alex. Mr. Cox is one of the leading farmers of Indian Creek Township, and he now has 700 acres of land, and the same is in a high state of cultivation, save 150 acres which is yet in timber. On this farm there is one of the best as well as one of the most complete farm residences in the County. It is a frame with a front 45x18 feet, and an L 40x27 feet built in 1878, at a cost of $5,000. In 1863 Mr. Cox settled where he now resides. He is a stanch Republican and cast his first Presidential ballot for John C. Fremont. For twelve years he has held an official position in the Christian Church. Mrs. Cox is also a member of that denomination. Mr. Cox enjoys more than an ordinary education and he is manifesting much interest in the education of his children. He is one of the representative and highly respected men of Lawrence County Data Entry Volunteer: Diana Flynn "ivie@tima.com"