"History of Lawrence, Orange and Washington Co.'s, Indiana" Goodspeed Bros. and Co., 1884 HARRY BRIGHT was born in Lincoln County, Ky., January 15, 1809, being the youngest child of eleven born to Henry and Elizabeth (Pope) Bright. The parents were honest and industrious people, of German descent, and were married in Kentucky. When Harry was nine years old his mother died, and he lived with his father until the death of the latter in 1856. About nine years later he moved to Lawrence County, and bought the farm upon which he now lives. April 15, 1830, he married Lucretia Greenwood, and to this union twelve children were born, nine of whom are now living: Elizabeth, wife of Samuel Swope; Sarah A., wife of Robert L. Rout (deceased); Greenbury, unmarried; Nancy A., wife of W. G. Gentry; George, who married Margaret Herring; Amenca, wife of Thomas Griffin; Kate L., wife of James A. Sallee, and John H., who married Sarah A. Houston. Mr. Bright has passed a long life at the occupation of farming. He owns 700 acres of good land, and is comfortably situated and prosperous. He deals in live stock, and conducts a distillery on his farm. He is a member of the Democratic party, and one of the county's best citizens. From April 1, 1878, to April 30, 1884, Mr. Bright manufactured 19,650 gallons of whisky, from corn which he raised on his farm. Upon this he paid a tax of $17,685. Data Entry Volunteer: Diana Flynn "ivie@tima.com"