"History of Lawrence, Orange and Washington Co.'s, Indiana" Goodspeed Bros. and Co., 1884 ABNER ARMSTRONG is a native of the township, where he yet resides, born January 20, 1828. JAMES ARMSTRONG, his father, was born in the year 1800, and when this county was yet new made settlement within its borders, and died in 1866. The early life of Abner Armstrong was passed upon the farm of his parents and in attendance upon the district schools of that day, and since 1849 he has been doing for himself. It is only necessary to add that Mr. Armstrong now owns over 1,400 acres of good land, besides other valuable property, to show that he has made this life a success. He not only is one of the county's wealthiest citizens but one of its most enterprising as well, taking advanced steps in the welfare of all laudable public enterprises, and contributing liberally from his means to this end. In 1881, he completed the erection of a fine, large, frame dwelling on his place, which is the best residence in the township, and reflects credit upon himself as its architect. His marriage with Miss JEANNETTE BOONE, a native of Indiana, and the daughter of COL. NOAH and JANE (RHODES) BOONE, who were natives of PULASKI COUNTY, KY., was solemnized in 1852, and five children have blessed them, named: ALVIN B., WALTER (deceased), DANIEL (deceased), FLORA F. and LAURA C. In politics Mr. Armstrong is an unswerving Republican, formerly a Whig, casting his first Presidential ballot for Gen. Winfield Scott. In 1878 he was elected Township Trustee, and in 1881 was appointed to that office to fill an unexpired term. Both he and wife are members of the Christian Church. Data Entry Volunteer: Diana Flynn "ivie@tima.com"