History of Lawrence, Orange and Washington Co.'s, Indiana Goodspeed Bros. and Co., 1884 JOHN W. ACOAM, Bedford, was born where he now lives May 15, 1841, one of three sons of the six children born to Henry J. and Catha- rine (Wilder) Acoam, who were among the early settlers in Lawrence County, the father being a harness-maker; he died February 1, 1849. Subject in 1856 began to learn the harness trade, and has followed that occupation ever since. August 11, 1862, he enlisted in Company G, Fourth Indiana, Cavalry, and was taken prisoner in 1863 at Hunstville, Ala., remaining such till 1865, being confined successively at Libby, Pemberton, Danville and Andersonville Prisons. After his return Mr. Acoam was Collector of Delinquent Taxes. In 1866 he began the saddle and harness business, and has a good trade, making a speciality of the cel- ebrated spring saddle. May 1, 1866, he married Miss Clara J. Malott, and one child has been born to them--Harry M., born July 10, 1876. Mr. and Mrs. Acoam are members of the Christian Church at Bedford, and he is an I. O. O. F., both Subordinate and Camp, having held all the important offices of the order. He is a Republican and a G.A.R. Mr. Otho Malott, the father of Mrs. Acoam, came to Indiana about 1821. He moved to Kansas in 1878. and died there in 1882. Data Entry Volunteer: Christe Bowerman "christe@aye.net"