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The Real Angel


What I like To do

I love hanging out with my man, Nick

When I'm not with him I'm chillin' with my girl Quita just actin' crazy

I love funny shiznick like the links to the right

I love to sing 

I love to write. (Mostly Poetry)

I love to play Volleyball when I can 

Hey, everyone! What's up with you? My nickname's Angel and I'm 19. I'm From Gary, IN. I'm a student at IUN majoring in Secondary Education. I'm 5'2, blond, blue eyes and about 125 pounds. I'm a which means I have a bad temper with very little tolerence for ignorance. I'm very direct and tru to this game called life. So if you wanna be cool with me you need to come on a real tip. I respect honesty and sincerity.  You'll always catch me with one of my friends just chillin'. Real quick let me just say big ups to:

Nick (my baby)      Mike (My besteses friend)                   Quita (my sis)

Wil (my guy)       Kyla (my girl)       Brian (my godbrother)                          

Brian (from Canada) and finally Stephon (my girl's man)

If I forgot anyone I'm sorry. You know I still love you.


I just wanna give a shout out to my baby, Nick. You're the only one I ever  love like this. You brighten up the darkest corners of my world just by your presence. You are my perfect half and you complete me in every way. I cherish every kiss we share and every minute spent together. You truely are the only one for me.  with all my heart, baby. ( I added the Taz pics cause I know you like him a lot.)

Next let me give a shout out to my girl, Quita. ( OMG! Look up it's a guy peeing!"  lol) No but for real we've known each other since middle school and always been tight. You're a true friend and more. I consider you family sis. I got your back no matter what. You know how we do. (I got pics for you too. I'll try and find some more like this one.)


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