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Ebonics! learn your vocabulary!

Welcome to the ebonics translations list

This is the page where you learn ebonics (a.k.a black people language, slangs, ghetto words, etc.). This page is made for you to understand and communicate with this unique, treasured, and insulting language. Hell might as well call it a second language. This language can be highly difficult to understand, it can flat right sounds retarded, and if you insult and aggravate enough people, you are very likely to be able to get highly addicted to talking like that.

Warnings and Terms of policy:

1. If you EVER get jumped by people for speaking ebonics, then we are not responsible. You are responsible for who you say these words to.

2. If you ever get in trouble by a teacher for foul language or use of the words in this dictionary, then we are also not responsible. Although we'd love to be, we just can't.

3. SO basically in anyway, we are not responsible for your stupid actions that get you jumped. But you should be ine as long as you don't say words like "nigger" or "negroe", heck "nigga" might even piss em off.

IF YOU ARE ABSOLEUTLEY SURE YOU WILL COMPLY WITH THESE RULES YOU MAY CONTINUE! --------------------------------------------------