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Hello. I'm the Nagelator. I got that name when someone called me that. but the name stuck. I'm trying to learn guitar, which seems to come easily (either that or I'm doing it totally wrong lol). I also want a girlfriend, but not some internet trash girlfriend who is actually a middle-aged man (yuck!). i suppose thats the only way that the girlfriend wouldn't get stuck behind my looks and not see the inside of me, though. i feel like i can't do anything i want because other people won't let me. anyway, this is my new site, and its under construction, so, ya know. I no i'm just a stupid kid, but i know life will always suck. I mean come on. How many people become professional basket ball players? about one in one million. How many own their own clothing line or car company? one in five or ten million. Come on people, were so nieve at this age (did i spell that right?) that we think we can end up better off than any other kid, when really, the only way we will be able to is if our old man/ old lady is rich or was one of those one out of a million. People always say that everyone is special, but i'm not. I'm not the "i'm spessul" stupid special, and i'm not brilliant to offer anything to the world kind of special. I'm not any different from anybody else. if looks and physical ability were of as little of importance as how smart you are, I wouldn't be any different than anybody else. we wouldn't have disputes on who's better at what, or who's hotter than who. what matters is what the person is like on the inside, where today, we are so nieve to think that appearance is everything. The sad thing is that most people do no the inside is what counts, but they think it wont hurt anybody's feelings or even count until they are old. so i leave you in this website saying that if everyone was blind to appearance and ability, everyone's dreams could come to life. but look. i'm the nieve one to imagine a world that good. At least make me feel like someone play the game I have pasted below:
The Completely Pointless Personality Quiz
The Completely Pointless Personality Quiz

Things I do in spare time