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Linda Amis
Gary Ashcraft
Deborah Banfield
Michael Banfield
Bill Bays
Charles Begerman
Linda Bosstick
Dwight Boyll
Drew Brand
Debra Brown
Martha Budd
Michael Burnett
Paul Burns
Joseph Bussing
Gary Carson
Carol Clark
Patricia Clark
Loretta Clem
Roy Criss
Arley Drake
Farley Drake
Harley Drake
Jane Ewell
Michael Fleener
James Fox
Mickey Fuson
Phillip Gallagher
Rebecca Gallagher
Joseph Gaskins
Christopher Gilbert
Claudia Gordon
Roberta Halberstadt
Frederick Harmon
James Hayes

Rita Hayes
Joyce Haythorne
Charles Hensley
Jeffery Higgins
John "Skip" Hochstetler
Damon Holladay
David Jewell
Beverly Johnson
Randy Jones
Randolph Keller
Sharon Kerins
Nancy Kilzer
Betty Kumberlin
Kay Kimmell
Georgia Lang
Linda Little
Sandra Lucas
Marvin McClure
Richard McHugh
Donald Marshall
Marsha Marshall
Roger Mills
Winona Monroe
Linda Montague
Rick Montgomery
Darrell Moody
Dennis Moore
Donald Neff
Timothy Noel
Angela Palumbo
Dana Pierce
Judith Pinkston
Ronald Pinkston
William Pirtle

Richard Price
Thomas Price
Charles Rambis
Jane Reed
George Robinson
Ray Rogers
Nancy Runyan
Charlene Sanders
Candice Sears
Esther Slover
Ronald Smith
Michael Smothers
Danny Stout
Gary Strain
Sandra Stuck
Michael Sullivan
Sheila Sutton
Jeffri Sweet
Mark Swift
Carla Thompson
Garry Thompson
Joe Ed Thompson
Teresa Thompson
Kim Thomson
Jackline Trump
James Turnbaugh
Dale Walters
Monte Watts
Charles White
Brent Wible
Richard Williams
Gary Wilson
Mark Wilson
Michael Wolfe
Anita Zink




A reunion is being planned for the classes of 71, 72, & 73 on June 17th 2006.

Watch the mail for your invitation!



Right: Class of '71 reunion

July 28, 2001

Principal: Donald Tincher

Dean : Steve Reed

Class Officers

Class President:
Richard McHugh

Vice President:
Teresa Thompson

Linda Little

Jeffri Sweet



William Blythe
Donald Borders
Dave Bussing
Edgar Chambers
Joyce Clinkenbeard
Wilbur Crooks
Judith Dever
Clement Ebler, Jr.
Gary Enstrom
Ruth Franklin
Peggy Hagerman
Sharon Hartmann
David Jarrett
Richard Jones
Ronald Kamman
Patricia Logan
Mary B. Maners
Harold Medsker
Marjorie Norris
Robert Orr
Mark Royer
Rita Schnabel
Alan Smith
Shirley Tincher
Thomas Turner
Laura Belle Wallace
Paul Weekly
Jack Willis



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