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Libertarian Party of Allen County

Libertarian Party of Allen County Website:
Help with Outreach Events: Call Jeannette at 484-5946
Cafepress: Order Libertarian stuff:
Mike Sylvester's blog:
IN LP Chair Mark Rutherford's blog:
LP Sec of State candidate Mike Kole's blog:

Go to the Official Website for an Updated Calendar -

Jennifer Jeffrey, Allen County LP Chair 260-418-2750

Jeannette Jaquish, Calendar Editor (260) 484-5946

SATURDAYS at 4pm & FRIDAYS at 9am on Comcast channel 57.
Live Call-In Talk Show
Every Third Thursday at 7pm on Comcast Channel 57 or 75.


Allen County Libertarian Party Meeting

Monday, April 16, 2007
Evans household, 4205 N. Washington Blvd -,+Fort+Wayne,+IN+46804,+USA&sa=X&oi=map&ct=image

Libertarian Party members ONLY
Its that time again! The next business meeting is coming up in a few short days. Please note that this is for party members only, we will be discussing some party business that is not appropriate for discussion with the general public. If you are not a party member all you need to do is join the national party and you automatically become a county party member. You can join online at .

Check out our UPDATED WEBSITE and BLOG!
and blogs of our officers and former chair:

Contact Jennifer Jeffrey for questions or additions to the agenda:


Every Third Thursday:
Libertarians at Large Comcast Cable TV show, ch 57, 7pm.
Call in and give us a hard time!



Feb 26, 2007: Organizing Anti-Smoking Ban Campaign Meeting
following the Monthly Meeting of the Libertarian Party of Allen County.
At the Firehouse Theater, 1245 E. State

JULY 17 - Third Monday Libertarian Party of Allen County Business Meeting
At the Munchie's Emporium & Mad Anthony Brewery back room, 1109 Taylor and Broadway Map
7pm: Dinner, games, conversation
8pm: Business Meeting April 24, Monday
Allen County Libertarian Party Annual Convention
At Munchie Emporium, 622 E. Dupont at Coldwater, southwest corner. Map
Dinner, games and conversation
8pm: Convention - Agenda will be posted here soon. Officer elections, delegate elections, bylaws amendments and committee formations.

April 28,29 & 30, Friday, Saturday & Sunday
Indiana Libertarian Party Annual Convention
See Indiana LP Convention webpage for more info.

April 17, Monday: <--DATE CHANGE!!! (Tax Deadline is NOT April 15 this year!!)
Tax Protest/Rally

Main Post Office Downtown, 1501 S. Clinton, 2 blocks south of Jefferson. Map
5pm to midnight
Last year we had a great display and thousands saw us. We were on the news and got interviewed.
We will probably be there 5pm to midnight, but you need not be there the whole time. When you get there you can hold a sign or pass out flyers.
We will have food and drink for you. Bring along a warm coat for evening, it cools down fast especially if there is wind. Restrooms are open at the school across the street from us, and when they close around 6pm, the Wendy's 2 blocks north has restrooms.
You can park at the post office or in the school parking lot.
If you have ideas for sign slogans or street theater stunts, or if you would like to donate food or money for printing or signs, please call Jeannette at 484-5946. Jeannette will be out of town for the actual protest. Phil Marx will run the show April 17th. If you have questions after April 15, call Phil at 458-9775.

Friday, March 17, meet at 5pm, parade starts at 5:30pm
St. Patrick’s Day Parade

Deer Park Lodge,
1530 Leesburg Rd. & West Spring St. Map
Join us to march in the parade, or watch the parade. Show up wearing green, brown, black or white, and we will hand you something to carry, wear or wave in the parade. We will meet in the grassy area across Leesburg from the bar. Kids welcome but they cannot go in the bar -- It's jam packed anyway. We will go someplace afterwards to celebrate. Call Jeannette if you have questions or slogans for Libertarian/Irish signs: 484-5946.

Monday, March 20
Third Monday Libertarian Party of Allen County Business Meeting
At the Laredo Restaurante and Cantina, Map of 7212 S Anthony Blvd
Dinner, games, conversation
8pm: Business Meeting

Sept 10th – Lewis & Marx: Comedy Duo?
Sept 17th – Lee Sexton: Bail Bondsmen freemarket crime control
Sept 24th – Matt Evans: Animal Control and human responsibility
Jan. 16, Monday
Allen County Libertarian Party Third Monday Meeting
Dinner, games and conversation
8pm: Business Meeting
Planning to do recruiting in Aboite after Bud Baker scolded us for not doing more face to face campaigning.
Checked our 2005 goals: We are doing well in getting new contacts, not so well with signed up membership, nearly there with money in the bank but way down in hoped for number of candidates. Things continuing pretty well. Had chocolate Libertarian Party of Allen County 1st Birthday Cake.
Will try next meeting at the Laredo Restaurante and Cantina in 7200 block of south Anthony.
Prior to the meeting we played the card game Politics as Usual.

Dec. 19, Monday, 7pm
The Libertarian Party of Allen County “Third Monday Meeting”
in the back room of Munchie Emporium at 622 E. Dupont & Coldwater.

2nd Libertarian Regional Small Business Conference
November 19, 2005

Friday, Nov 18, 7pm: Pre-Conference Dinner Get-Together
Saturday, Nov 19, 11am to 4pm: Conference (eat first)
Later Saturday, 4:30pm: After-Conference Get-Together at a private home

Location: Don Hall’s Guesthouse, 1313 W. Washington Center Rd., Fort Wayne, Indiana. Rent a room for just $69 a night by mentioning the event.

Pay in advance: $15
Pay at the door: $20

Please make checks payable to Mike Sylvester and mail to:
Mike Sylvester
625 Windrift Lane
Fort Wayne, IN 46845

If you have any questions regarding this event, please feel free to contact Mike Sylvester at 260-338-0833 or at

At the Friday evening dinner, we will spend a couple of hours eating, drinking, and brainstorming. Pay your own tab.
The After-Conference Get-Together is at the house of Jack and Hillary Evans. Maps and directions will be provided at the Conference. A large (And I do mean LARGE) dinner will be served. Children are welcome to attend! The party at Jack and Hillary’s house will run from 4:30 until ?. We will collect donations at the door.


11-11:10 Mike Sylvester: Welcome all!

11:10 – 11:30 Mark Schreiber: The history of The Small Business Initiative.

11:30 – 12:00 Ron Reinking, Fort Wayne CPA: Small Business Horror Stories

12:00 – 12:15: Break. Get to know your neighbors, exchange ideas.

12:15 – 12:45 Mike Sylvester: Small Business Horror Stories from Indiana CPAs and small business owners. How we plan on taking advantage of these “Horror Stories” in Fort Wayne.

12:45 – 13:00 Jason Shelley from The Indiana NFIB: The Importance of Small Business. Topics that are currently most critical to small business owners in Indiana.

13:00 – 13:15: Break. Get to know your neighbors, exchange ideas.

13:15 – 14:15 Brainstorm ideas for the Small Business Initiative. Break into two discussion groups: Kevin Knedler will handle one group. Mike Sylvester will handle the other.

14:15 – 14:30: Break. Get to know your neighbors, exchange ideas.

14:30 – 14:45 Kevin Knedler presents the first group's ideas. Crowd interaction.

14:45 – 15:00 Mike Sylvester presents the first group's ideas. Crowd interaction.

15:00 – 15:15 Mike Kole: My Campaign for Indiana Secretary of State AND Small Business Initiative examples I have used in my campaign and in Hamilton County.

15:15 – 15:30 Mark Rutherford: Will ask if representatives from States other then Indiana wish to speak about SBI in their State. If the answer is no, Mark Rutherford will speak.

15:30 – 16:00 Mark Rutherford: Closing Speech: How to Implement the Plan Going Forward
img October 28, Friday, 7pm
Halloween Party of the UnDead Third Party
1423 Louisedale Dr.
(Jeannette & Tom Jaquish's house)
Nine adults and 4 children attended and had a good time.

November 8, Tuesday
Media Day for Candidate Announcements

Organized by Secretary of State candidate Michael
This will be Election Day for many areas of the United States, but not in Indiana.
However, Mike's campaign sees this as a target date for announcing Libertarian candidates across Indiana.
Oct. 17, Monday, 7pm
The Libertarian Party of Allen County “Third Monday Meeting”

Munchie Emporium at 622 E. Dupont & Coldwater

September 21, Wednesday, 7:00 pm
Monthly Meeting at Munchie Emporium
622 E. Dupont Rd -----------------

Journal-Gazette Political Notebook Conspiracy Theory Debunked
Sunday, September 14th they wrote:
Atheists strike back
Last week Political Notebook made reference to similar meeting advisories sent out by the same person for both the Libertarian Party of Allen County and a local atheists group.
Jeannette Jaquish clarifies that she is the secretary for both groups but that of the 119 Libertarian members and 16 Atheist members; only two belong to both groups.
“Foiled again! My elaborate lack of disguise seen through, I must confess: I am the atheist Libertarian who sends out press releases for both groups,” Jaquish wrote in an e-mail.
“I wish to Gawd or Ayn Rand or someone that I could get anyone else to do press releases and do them right, but it’s still me here, typing and sending them both out the same day or I’d forget which one I hadn’t done.”
She also points out that a former Baptist minister was the Libertarian candidate for governor last time around and that a member of the state committee is Jewish.
“Religious and non-religious people are all over the LP, but, tolerant by nature, we all get along.”

Actually, I didn't say I was secretary, they inferred that. I also wrote: "In fact, the teachings of Jesus are very libertarian: Be nice and don't hurt others. Clean up your own act before condemning others. Feed the poor yourself." -- Jeannette

Aug. 27, 2005
Markle Parade Lots of Fun

The Libertarians were a big hit in the Markle Parade. The parade itself was bigger than one would expect from a small town, maybe 60 to 80 entries, and once we got into downtown it was about 6 blocks of people crowded on both sides watching.
The parade theme was "Markle Goes Mardi Gras".
Our entry began with Zephyr Jaquish, age 5, dressed as the Statue of Liberty and Meredith Conover-Harlow, age 6, waving the American flag which caused most people to stand and salute.
Next came the Libertarian banner carried by Robert Enders and Jeannette Jaquish, also carrying signs that said "Pursue Happiness", "Responsibly" on one side and "Live and Let Live", "Be All You Can Be -- Be Free!" on the other.
Next came Mike Kole handing out Mardi Gras beads and his son carrying a "Mike Kole Libertarian Candidate for Secretary of State" sign. Mike's wife and daughter in a stroller followed.
Pulling a wagon with a sign saying "We Pay Our Own Way" full of Mardi Gras beads she was handing out, came Sheri Conover-Harlow.
Now comes a milling group representing how people pursue happiness in business and sport:
Rigel Jaquish, 8, rides a pedal race car all over with a sign saying, "Insured and Loving It!".
Mike Sylvester dressed as a private eye carries a sign saying, "We Love the Free Market".
Tycho Jaquish, 10, bounces along with springs on his feet and a lab coat that says "Inventions, Inc."
Harrassing the group is Tom Jaquish in a big green pop-eyed box head with his arms and legs sticking out. He carries a Regulations book in big hands and hollers things like, "Do you have a license for that baby?" "Stop That! Where is your paperwork?" and "That behavior requires a fee submitted with application in triplicate!"
Bringing up the rear was Phil Marx dressed in a sombrero and Hawaiian shirt carrying a sign saying "Just Say No to Big Head Bureaucrats" and pulling a wagon with a plastic skeleton dressed in a dark suit pinned with tax bills and a sign saying "Death by Taxes".
We pulled it off with barely enough people. Parades are a very cost effective and fun way to expose Libertarian ideas to others. Please join us in our next one.

Libertarians Impact in Editorials
The Tuesday, News Sentinel editorial page generally has two editorials. What a surprise to open up the paper (8-9-05) and find the Libertarian Party positively presented in both!

The first editorial was written by Leo Morris. It asks a funny question: "Is there an issue that the editorial page of the News-Sentinel, the editorial page of The Journal Gazette, and The Allen County Libertarian Party all agree on?" Answer, all are in opposition to The Supreme Court Kelo decision. The editorial refers to protests by Libertarians: "(Mike) Sylvester points to the Belmont Beverage taking by the city as an example of the abuse that can happen under current state law. The property was declared blighted, though it really isn't, and the city decided not even to use it for the purpose it was taken."

The second editorial was written by Kenn Gividen, our candidate for Governor in 2004. It talks further about the reality of Eminent Domain. He writes, "Anyone who opposes city hall will risk the wrath of corrupt local bureaucrats willing to use eminent domain to get even."
Listing 15 states allowing property confiscation for economic development or forced redevelopment of "blighted areas", he reminds of of government's constant overspending on projects and dependence on every new revenue source, "Local governments will also move ahead with enthusiasm if given the green light to abuse eminent domain."

Saturday, Sept 10, 10am to 6:30pm
Pagan Pride Fest, Shoaff Park
We set up a literature table and had about a dozen decent discussions and 5 signed the contact sheet. About 4 said they were libertarians but from out of town. Many took the World's Smallest Political Quiz and the scores were, as usual, heavily libertarian, but scattered widely around centrist. A fun group.

Also Sept 10, 1pm to 10pm (target shoot at 11am): LPIN Family and Friends Hog Roast
State Secretary Rebecca Sink-Burris’s Farm in beautiful Monroe County.
Pool, hot tub, creek, ponies, crawdad catching contest, dessert and salsa contests and a target shooting contest.
Pridefest July 30, 2005
Four Libertarians: Robert Enders, Jeremiah Jeffers, Jennifer, and Jeannette Jaquish manned a table full of issue papers, political buttons saying things like, "Feeling Safer Yet?", "Bring Mark Souder Home" - with a yellow ribbon, and "One Nation Under Surveillance", "If You Give Gays Equal Rights, Everybody Want Them" and bumper stickers saying, "Proud to be a Libertarian".
76 people took the Operation Politically Homeless World's Smallest Political Quiz, scoring pretty evenly in the centralist, liberal and libertarian sections. Not even one person scored in the conservative section. Interesting.

August 15, 2005, Monday
Libertarian Party of Allen County Monthly Meeting

(At a different Munchie Emporium!)
We will meet in the back room of Munchie Emporium at 622 E. Dupont Rd. on the south-west corner of Dupont and Coldwater. Map
6 pm: Committee Meetings (You know who you are!)
7 pm: Regular meeting which will open with a news quiz game, then on to business and brainstorming.
All are welcome; bring a friend!
BLOGS begun in July 2005!
Mike Sylvester has begun a blog on local and national politics. Check it out at and post an opinion!
Then check out State LP Chairman Mark Rutherford’s Blog:

July 18, 2005, Monday, 7pm
Libertarian Party of Allen County Monthly Meeting
Mad Anthony's Brewery and Munchie Emporium
Speaker: a Representative of Hoosiers for the Fair Tax
Their proposal: The FairTax is Fair:
It replaces the federal income tax system, which taxes what we earn, with a tax on what we spend. The FairTax is a consumption tax: the more you buy, the more you pay in taxes; the less you buy, the less you pay in taxes. So everyone pays fairly when they choose to spend. The FairTax:
Makes sure everyone pays their fair share
Lets you keep your entire Social Security, pension, paycheck, and capital gains
Un-taxes the poor with a rebate on the necessities of life
Protects Social Security and Medicare
Stimulates investment, economic growth and job creation
The FairTax is Simple:
NO Tax Filings
NO Loopholes
NO Hidden Taxes

The 4th of July picnic was fun. We had a great location in the south-east corner of the IPFW campus, west of Parking Lot #3, to view the fireworks unobstructed and also have a picnic and barbecue area under trees. 9 adults and 7 kids came. We played softball, croquet, darts, had squirt gun fights, whacked a pinata, ate potluck and yakked. It was never crowded, even when the fireworks began. In fact, by 7pm the parking lots were still only 20% full, and even by 9:15pm when the fireworks began, there were still dozens of empty parking spaces in the parking lot to the west of us. People arriving reported that parking lots along Coliseum and Anthony, miles away were pretty full. I guess the lesson there is aim for the best before you settle for something less. Right before the fireworks show was the best time, as people all over were setting off wildcat fireworks to lots of laughter and whoops. The campus police just rode around not interfering. Some were pretty loud, high and big. We had been told by the college that no barbecuing was allowed, but that too was not enforced; people across the way from us had a big metal drum barbecue smoking away. It took half an hour for the traffic to let up enough to drive out, but we spent the time, and even beyond, yakking some more. The IPFW streets were empty when we finally went our separate ways home to bed. ---Jeannette Jaquish
May 7, 2005, Tax Freedom Day Celebration, This party at Mike and Karena Sylvester's house was a whole lot of fun. 33 adults and 23 children showed up, many for the first time. Mike gave a rousing speech explaining the meaning of Tax Freedom Day and the Libertarian Party's hopes for a simpler, less intrusive, and CHEAPER government.

Children mostly were the participants in running the 1040 Maze, playing New Tax Dodgeball, whacking the Tax Man Pinata who bled chocolate, playing NIMBY Soccer (to keep the School Lunch Baloney Factory & Slaughter House out of their back yard),and throwing darts at caricatures of Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld, Hillary, and Nixon (noses were top points). While the children played, their parents got a chance to talk about Libertarianism with the regulars, though we did pull Mike Sylvester into the ring to target with all 5 tax balls at once. He is surprisingly dodgy.

Many Libertarians made food and fundraiser items. Jack Evans made delicious Liberty Jams and "collectible" event t-shirts. Karena Sylvester made a pie, homemade baskets and spice bread to sell. Jack, Karena and many others cooked delicious foods to feed the horde. And good ol' Scott Lewis and Jeremiah Johnson made a beer run. A big beer run.

Jeannette and emcee AC McCray ran the very physical games and handled the kids. Doug Horner was a loyal soldier tending the registration table while missing out on most of the events. Phillip Marx helped set up games and was out there in the dark wrapping up the game stuff while others were inside stuffing their faces and playing Robert Enders' game Oval Office

The kids were asking if we would do this again, and I answered, "Until we get a Libertarian government."
Our monthly meeting was at 3pm, prior to the celebration.

---- June 13, Monday, 7pm, meeting at 8pm
Libertarian Party of Allen County Monthly Meeting
Mad Anthony's Brewery and Munchie Emporium (Map) at 1109 Taylor and Broadway (south of downtown) in their backroom, off the bar. Parking lot is west of the building.

7:45 pm: Jeannette Jaquish opened with a presentation: "A Proposal: Self-Licensing for Freedom and Safety in a Drug Legalized Society". She is looking for feedback as to if her idea is truly Libertarian, and can get public support.
8:15 pm: When Mike Sylvester arrives the business meeting begins.
We will elect a new Treasurer and Fundraising Chair, discuss outreach projects, our own financial safeguards, and our various projects.
June 8, Wednesday, 6 to 9pm
Libertarian Perspectives Public Access TV show shoot.
Shot interviews with Mike Sylvester & Robert Enders, and Scott Lewis and Philip Marx.

May 25, 6-9pm, Wednesday
Libertarian Perspectives public access TV shoot #2.

Access Fort Wayne, 200 E. Berry at Clinton Map
Shot interviews with Mike Sylvester and Indiana LP Exec Director Brad Klopfenstein. Before, on May 11 we shot interviews of Mike Kole, LP candidate for Secretary of State, and Robert Larsen, an expert on Social Security.

May 21, Saturday, Target Shoot
Bluffton, Wells County, to help them build their party. Meet around 1 pm at the Gun Shop on main street (Indiana 1) to buy ammo, then off to a safe place to target shoot.
April 29-May 1, 2005, Fri – Sun: Libertarian Party of Indiana 2005 Convention
Holiday Inn Lakeview, Clarksville, IN

Fort Wayne delegates attending were George and Rose Saalfrank, Jack and Hillary Evans, Doug Horner, Mike Sylvester and Jeannette Jaquish.
A resolution was passed calling on the national party to rewrite its very long platform to under 1000 words and update the philosophy. Many spoke saying the current national platform was overly detailed, was micromanaging the candidates and caused trouble when candidates differed with it but were confronted with it by reporters.
Meal speakers were Vin Suprynowicz (with his newest book, The Black Arrow), Jason Shelley of the National Federation of Independent Businesses, Hoosier-born Mayor Willy Star Marshall of Big Water, Utah, and WXNT's Abdul in the Morning.

April 24, Sunday: Activists Workshop (moved earlier to precede State Convention and Tax Freedom Party)
3 to 6 pm. 1423 Louisedale Dr. Mike Sylvester, Scott Lewis and Robert Enders attended. We planned out all the Tax Freedom Day Events. Robert brought a trivia game: Oval Office.

The April 15 Tax Protest at the downtown Post Office went great. 17 Libertarians showed up to hold signs, pass out literature and perform.
TV Stations 15 and 21 shot video and interviewed, and the News-Sentinel and the Journal Gazette published photos:

News-Sentinel, April 16, page 5L: Photo: Erin McCray holding a sign: "Don't Forget: It's Your Money!", while Hillary Evans offers a flyer to a driver.
Journal Gazette, April 16, page C1 , or website color photo:
Photo: Rigel Jaquish, age 7, chained by the ankle to a large weight labeled "I owe $26,351" next to a sign: "My share of your National Debt!!!!".

(If anyone recorded news coverage of the event please let us know.)

There were 10 signs plus those brought from Wells County. Slogans included: "Honk if you Hate Taxes!", "Kiss Your Earnings Goodbye!", "Libertarian Party = Low Taxes", and "U.S. National Debt: $7,801,914,581,470.00 ($7.8 Trillion) Increasing $2.15 billion/day".

Over 500 flyers were handed out. Designed by Doug Horner, this was a bill for each citizen's share of the National Debt: $26,351, with interest of $7.44 per day, and also included a chart of the meteoric rise in government debt over the decades.
We have about 400 of these left -- if you can give them out please let us know!

A.C. and Erin McCray, Rose Saalford and Jeannette Jaquish dressed up as the Tax Man Pimp and his Collection Ladies, and did a choreographed performance to the Beatles song "Tax Man". When the Tax Man sang, "Declare the pennies on your eyes," he slapped a final "Death Tax" bill to the forehead of a plastic skeleton in burial clothes covered with tax bills: Sin Tax, Cable Tax, Gas Tax, Income Tax, Refund Tax, Sales Tax, etc.

Scott Lewis wore little more than a cardboard box upon which was painted, "Don't Mess with the IRS!"

Mike Kole, our Indiana Libertarian candidate for Secretary of State joined the protest, along with two from Wells County who brought more signs: Brandon Harnish, County Chair, and Clinton Nusbaumer. We thank them for making the trip to help us in Allen County.

We also thank our other, as yet, un-named protesters and contributors: flyer printer Mike Sylvester, pizza provider Erik Stebbins, Jack and Hillary Evans, chain wearers Rigel, Tycho and Zephyr Jaquish, refreshment provider and site clearers Jeannette and Tom Jaquish, Michael Donlan, Robert Enders, and Terry Bowman who stuck it out until midnight.

Corrugated plastic sheets make great inexpensive sign material, can be written on with markers (use the fat "poster markers"), and with a 75 cent wire stand are easily planted in the ground.
There is a big after-dinner rush on tax deadline night. The line stretched the longest at 9:50 pm, almost to the next street north.
Remind everyone to bring sunscreen for the afternoon and warm coats and pants for the night.
Monday, April 11, 2005, Allen County LP Convention & Monthly Meeting
1423 Louisedale Dr. 46808
Map , home of Jeannette Jaquish
6:30 pm: Instructions for the April 15 Tax Protest, potluck, refreshments
8:00 pm: Convention
-- Elect officers
--Elect delegates to represent us at the State Convention April 30 & May 1
--Amend bylaws if desired
--Other business
~9:00 pm: After Meeting: Conversation and Tax Protest Preparations.

April 15, Friday: Tax Protest/Rally
Main Post Office Downtown, 1501 S. Clinton, 2 blocks south of Jefferson. Map
4pm to Midnight

This is sure to get us big media coverage and we want to do a good job of entertaining, provoking and informing. libertarian candidate for Secretary of State, Mike Kole, will be there.
We will have our LP banner, signs, literature hand-outs and some costumed characters doing a choreographed act to the Beatle's song "Tax Man",
a guy wearing the equivalent of a barrel and a sign "Don't Mess with the IRS",
a child chained to a weight labeled "$28,000 debt" and a sign "My Share of Your National Debt",
as well as some respectably dressed "normal" people with signs and handing out literature. We need lots of volunteers for this, from kids to adults, so please invite friends and family.
The lobby will be open until 11pm or midnight, which means the post office parking lot is available for us to park in. Let's be polite and use the parking spaces farthest from the front doors.
We will probably be set up north of the post office, from Douglas St. south to the first entrance to the Post Office, where in past years, postal workers took mail directly from the drivers.
That 30 feet or so is where the cars will always be lined up. However, we will play it by ear since we don't know exactly what the post office's setup will be.
The closest restroom seems to be the Wendy's two blocks north.
We will have food, drinks and signs for all who show up.
Please contact Jeannette at 484-5946 or (click on email below) to volunteer or offer ideas or donate $$ for food, signs and copying. If volunteering, please tell what hours you can work, and whether you are willing to dress wacky or normal.
April 10, Sunday: Activists' Workshop
3 to 6pm.

Make signs for Tax Protest. Practice street theater choreography to The Beatles’ “Tax Man”. Kids welcome.
1423 Louisedale Dr.
46808, See Map Jeannette Jaquish’s house, info: 484-5946.

April 5, 6 & 7: Power and Pizza to the People
Tues.-Thurs., 11am to 1pm
Lobby of the Classroom Medical Bldg., IPFW

The IPFW Campus Libertarians doled out free pizza, pamphlets and conversation Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in the lobby of the Classroom Medical Building at IPFW. Robert Enders and Jeremiah Jefferies organized it.

Thursday, March 17, Thursday: Marched in the St. Patrick’s Day Parade
Deer Park Lodge, 1530 Leesburg Rd. & West Spring St. Map
Four Libertarians attended: Jeannette Jaquish, the organizer & her husband Tom, Robert Enders and Mike Brightbill. Jeannette had brought along 5 kids dressed as leprechauns, so there were enough people to carry the banner and 8 signs, but it was close. Tom operated the giant puppet girl. The puppet girl, signs and kids were a hit with the other parade participants; as usual the parade watchers were few and far between.
Jeannette decides she will get commitments from people to attend before going through with other projects.
Original notice:
Meet 5pm or before, parade at 5:30 pm.
Wear all your green clothes. We’ll hand you something to wave or wear in the parade. We’ll have a giant walking Irish puppet girl.
Disclaimer: This parade is a little unusual. It is the shortest St. Pat's parade in the country, and is not much more than a walk around the block. On the plus side, about 100 people walk in it. On the minus side, they outnumber the spectators. More plusses: it always gets tv news coverage and we will be very visual. We'll have the chance to talk libertarian after the parade as we hang out in the bar for brew, Irish stew and conversation. Sorry, minors are not allowed in the bar.
March 13, Sunday: Activists and Street Theater Workshop #4
3 to 6pm, Jeannette Jaquish's home at 1423 Louisedale Dr., Map 484-5946

Two people showed up at Jeannette's house: Robert Enders and Michael Houze. We made signs and erected the puppet girl and operated her.
Original notice:
Hands on design and building of outreach props and media. Today: make LP banner and signs for St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Practice with giant walking Irish puppet girl. Choreograph “Tax Man” for April 15 protest.
Children welcome.


March 7, Monday: March LPAC Meeting

1. Formed 5 Committees with volunteers:
Platform Committee (temporary) (5 members):
Write up the Allen County Platform (our stance on political issues). Submit for approval by June 2005. We would use this platform to help us run candidates in 2006 and get our message out. Suggested leader: Larry Wise. Need volunteers immediately: 338-0833, .

Tax Protest Committee (temporary) (3 members):
Scope out and plan event at Main Post Office April 15. Need volunteers immediately: 484-5946,

PERMANENT COMMITTEES (you may volunteer at the meeting)
Fundraising Committee (3 members):
Devise ways to raise money through events and campaigns. Leader: Aaron Rollins.

Outreach Committee (5 members):
Organize events of interest to the public and for enjoyment of the members. Planned and ongoing projects: parade entries, Tax Protest April 15 at the Post Office, Tax Freedom Day Party, Public Access TV show (debates, live call-in, PSA’s –humorous & serious, game shows), planning new events, inventing icebreaker games for meetings, updating the Calendar, and press releases and mailings. Leader: Jeannette Jaquish.

Candidate Recruitment and Campaigns (3 members):
Recruit and assist candidates, learn paperwork and laws, organize volunteers. Work load will increase next year. Leader: Rose Saalfrank.

2. Other Business and Plan Events

3. Brainstorm and Open Mic

Feb 16, Wednesday: Libertarian Party of Allen County Monthly Meeting
At 1423 Louisedale, Jeannette Jaquish’s home.
Eight people attended: Mike Sylvester, Aaron Rollins, Andrew Barrett, Phil Marx, Jeannette Jaquish, Terry Bowman, Joe Francis, and Doug Horner.
While eating the group discussed smoking bans on restaurants and how some have rebelled.
7:23pm: Meeting began.
We agreed on the goals of increasing membership to 50 dues paying members, fundraising until we have $2500 by the end of 2005, generating a contact list of at least 100 non-members who are interested in helping the LP, and analyzing upcoming races in Allen County and getting at least 20 people to run in 2006.
We have 35 members in Allen County and we are two months old.
The State Convention is April 30 to May 2, therefore we need to have our Allen County Convention in April. The group voted to have it April 11 at the monthly meeting. We will elect officers and delegates to the state convention, and amend the bylaws if decided.
Outreach Coordinator and Vice Chair Jeannette Jaquish reported the public access tv show has not been scheduled, but she wanted to focus on the upcoming parade preparations anyway. She suggested a tv show format in which we invite a Democrat and Republican to join a debate with a Libertarian, plus a Libertarian host who tries to stay objective and host-like. One benefit of this would be that the Dem and Rep guests would invite their party members to tune in thus increasing the audience for our message, which might be the biggest dose of it they would have heard. (Jeannette told of how she had local news crews in her studio shooting the taping of her public access show in Tucson when she scooped them by putting on the first mayoral debate.) Conversely, our Libertarian viewers have been hearing Democrat and Republican messages their whole lives and are immune by now. Jeannette said she is planning to produce some 30 or 60 second PSAs, serious and humorous on Libertarian issues. These could be played as filler, inserted within our show, or put on other tv channels or radio stations. Producing them would be good practice for producing campaign commercials.
Jeannette reported that no one outside of her family showed at the last Activist Meeting when the Uncle Sam puppet skeleton was to be built, and said she wanted to be sure the enthusiasm for the parades was there before creating parade props requiring people to carry or operate. The group confirmed that the St. Pat’s Parade and the April 15 Tax Protest were great opportunities to get the message out, and we got enough volunteers from members present to ensure the minimum required for a presentation at both, although it is obvious Jeannette will have to dig up some theater types to do the choreography to “Tax Man”. Uncle Sam is optional for April 15 and was only prominent in the 4th of July and the May Tax Freedom Day plans.
Mike Sylvester suggested and the group voted for Jeannette to create a Tax Protest committee of three people to scope out the Post Office, communicate our intentions, plan everything and report back next meeting.

Treasurer Aaron Rollins reported that we made $120 in donations at the last meeting, not counting in kind donations for website and mailing expenses during the month. He suggested creating an Allen County membership with low cost dues to make more money for our group and as an option for people who don’t want to join the national party. Someone brought up the idea of getting donated merchandise for a fund-raising raffle and many liked the idea.

Mike reported he is forming a Platform Committee of five members to create a Basic County Platform to be approved by members by the July meeting. He wants volunteers to contact him soon so the committee can be formed at the March meeting.

Mike and Jeannette are going to the County Chairs Convention in Nashville, Indiana, Feb 19. Mike Kole, our candidate for Secretary of State has requested we establish an events coordinator to communicate with him so he can campaign at our events.

It was discussed that Mark Souder is disliked by a lot of people in Allen County and we could do some damage with the right candidate against him.

Aaron Rollins, Treasurer is taking over updating the Allen County members database.

The next meeting was scheduled for Monday, March 7 at Mike’s house, Get-Together: 6pm, Meeting: 6:30pm.
8:49 pm: Meeting Closed.
After the meeting Terry Bowman demonstrated how to use the Operation Politically Homeless big diamond chart and World’s Smallest Political Quizzes. He has been storing the set-up since the old ACLP faded and is now putting it into the hands of our Treasurer, as our bylaws require.

Feb 13, Sunday, 3 to 5 pm: Activists and Street Theater Workshop #3
at Jeannette Jaquish's house, 1423 Louisedale.
No one outside of Jeannette's family showed up. (Michael Houze had called to apologize that his partner had no-showed and he had to work his shift at a gun show booth.) Jeannette and her kids made the donation cans and she planned out the Uncle Sam wooden skeleton with hinges at elbows and knees. She decided that if she can't get firm promises to march in the parades, she would abandon the giant Uncle Sam plans. Will find out at next members meeting.

Feb 6, 2005: Superbowl Party at Mike and Karena Sylvester’s House. 14 adults and 7 children showed up for potluck and cheering their teams. We all had a good time. The chocolate frosted football cake that Karena made was especially delicious.

Jan 16, 2005: Activists and Street Theater Workshop

We tested the wireless microphones, audio mixer and video camera and found a good combination that worked well and familiarized ourselves for a quick set-up. Jeremiah Jeffrey came up with a neat way to piggyback three wireless mic receivers together so they all feed into the videocamera. We will use the mics and camera to shoot on-the-spot footage for the Libertarian Public Access TV show. The day before, Jeannette Jaquish shot footage of homeowners discussing sandbagging, the police preventing tow trucks from coming in to rescue homeowners’ cars, the cause of the flooding, the increase in flooding in recent years and how they thought government should fix it and whether that would ever happen.
We also drew up designs for a giant walking puppet of Uncle Sam. We debated whether he represented government or America, and, if he represents government, we debated whether he should be picking another parade character’s pocket or shaking him upside down so the money falls out. We figured out a basic structure and considered materials that would be strong but lightweight. We hope to have it built for the April 15 Tax Protest, and can use it again for the 4th of July and the Three Rivers Festival.

Jan 10, 2005: Monthly Meeting

18 people came to the first meeting of our newly re-formed Libertarian Party of Allen County. Chair, Mike Sylvester gave a presentation on The Annexation of Perry Township. There were lots of ideas proposed for outreach events and fund raising projects. About 5 people volunteered to be candidates. Passing the hat brought in $95 cash and a $25 check ($120) to the treasury.

Jan 8, 2005: Gun and Knife Show at the Coliseum

Eight Libertarians worked in shifts to man our table at the Gun and Knife Show at the Coliseum, Jan 8 and 9. In pairs, Jeanette Jaquish and Terry Bowden, Aaron Rollins and Brandon Harrison, Mike Sylvester and Matt Evans, and Robert Enders and Scott Lewis handed out lots of Badnarik issue papers, small business pamphlets and Libertarian literature and signed up 7 people to get mailings. People wanted to discuss a variety of subjects. Jeannette and Terry talked with people about “getting the bums out”, drug control, differences of opinion in the party on abortion, and foreign intervention. Mike and Matt talked with people about annexation, tax increases and how Libertarian gun rights compare to Republican gun rights. It was surprising how many out-of-county people came over to talk and sign the contact sheet. Many were surprised and pleased to hear we were an organized party in Allen County.

Dec 13, 2004: Libertarian Party of Allen County Organizing Convention

More people showed up for the Dec. 13, Allen County Organizing Convention than most other state conventions, said a State Chair Rutherford. Elbow to elbow, the 45 people squeezed into the upper balcony dining room of the Catablu restaurant were in good spirits through dinner, a rhyming game [When the unborn become voters, candidates will compete for the ...? (ZYGOTE VOTE)], and very responsibly carried their own chairs into the meeting room so the waiters could clear the tables behind them.

State Membership Chair Sam Goldstein explained the steps to reaffiliate Allen County into the state LP and ran the election for chairperson. Although Allen County party has been dormant for years, a higher percentage of Hoosiers voted for the LP presidential candidate, Michael Badnarik, a native of Hammond, Indiana, than did voters in any other state.

Officers were elected: Mike Sylvester: Chair, Jeannette Jaquish: Vice Chair, Aaron Rollins: Treasurer, and Doug Horner: Secretary.

Bylaws were minimally changed, refining the vocabulary and fixing misspellings. The Treasurer’s address is now the official party address.

LP Candidates: Rose Saalfrank volunteered to head candidate recruitment. If you would like to be or work for a candidate please contact her at: 497-7834

Website: Andrew Barrett has created a website: . Please contact him with any information or links you think appropriate for the website.

Activists Workshop: Jeannette Jaquish and Michael Houze have started the N.E. Indiana LP Activists and Street Theater Workshop which builds things for outreach projects. They provided easels and signs used at the convention that were made at the previous day’s workshop. Upcoming projects include a tax protest at the post office April 15, marching in local parades with a giant walking puppet, projects to pursue the Hispanic vote, and creating Operation Politically Homeless Booths. Info at: or call Jeannette at 260 484-5946.

Gun Show: The LPAC will have a table at the Gun and Knife Show at the Coliseum, Jan 8, from 9am to 5pm, & Jan 9, from 9am to 4pm. Come on out and say hello.

1984 Society: State Membership Chair Sam Goldstein, Executive Director Brad Klopfenstein, State Chair Mike Rutherford, and Indiana Badnarik Coordinator Mike Houze spoke about the 1984 Society which solicits donations from Libertarians to fund projects and pay for staff at the state office. For more info: or phone (317) 920-1994 or email .

Mike Kole’s Run for Secretary of State: Mike spoke about his planned campaign for Secretary of State in 2006 and issues that he can draw support away from the Democrats and Republicans on. He is really starting early.

It was announced to cheers that 8 people had registered with the Libertarian Party at the convention. Mike Sylvester urged everyone to invite their friends and families to the meetings and write Libertarian letters to the editor, and then closed the meeting.
-----submitted by Jeannette Jaquish

Map Map Map Map Access Fort Wayne, 200 E. Berry at Clinton Map
Contact Jeannette at 260 484-5946 or email. Date: Libertarian Perspectives TV shoot
at Access Fort Wayne in the Main Library, 200 E. Berry at Clinton. Map Join the studio audience or volunteer for crew! -----------------

Map of 7212 S Anthony Blvd
Fort Wayne, IN 46816-2041, US

