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tugrul-O-scope proudly presents

There are people who have peered through the tugrul-O-scope since November, 11 2003.
Founded in 2003, my goal is education on its fullest sense
Exploring these frontiers, I seek to impact not only the tools of the people’s information but also to foster reflection and inquiry into the role and responsibility of people in a global society. I hope you enjoy exploring my website and look forward to meeting you in person!
lunar phases
Join Slow Food the most exceptional Real Player required-creamTone records

"Dance as though no one is watching you, love as though you have never been hurt before, sing as though no one can hear you, live as though heaven is on earth." - Souza

Know then that this is a heavenly site, and that this is the place of Wisdom, Pleasure, and the place of Wonders.
For these are the days of wonders!.


The Friendly Strip Search To tugrul-O-scope

Does every day bring hope and every sleep bring dreams?
It does not sound realistic to you ?!?!
Well, reality is from with-in.
Reality is determined by how far conscienceness can expand itself.
You should actualize it, and make it reality!
What happens to the ugliness of the brutality ?
After all those wounds, NOW is the time to create a new love.
Let me say this once in your hearing, if you want healing, there is no chemical solution to a spiritual problem !
Are you in neo-paralyzing fear of not being connect ?
No need to elaborate, you just need one of those remedies.
Now,tell me this:
how do you ask your doctor to prescribe an urgent dose of unconditional love.

When the new era begins, I want to have an healthy attitude.

  • I want us to water out our waste.
  • I want only what is urgent with you.
  • I want to forget, then I want to remember us.
  • I want us to have met for a reason.
  • I want your disapointments in my heart.
  • When you are lost, I want to find you.
  • I want to drag you from the darkness,
  • I want to expand your horizons and I want your guidance in certain matters.

    Come to terms with the time of love, the time that would be never enough. In reality, change is upon us.
    Time to embrace it!

    I was never a hostage to time, living like misfits, living it like the kids.
    Maybe today, maybe tomorow

      you can easily verify these facts by searching the Web.

      I. State of the World
      II. The Terror State
      III.  The Resistance
      IV.  The Universe

      I. State of the World

      To put it mildly, unsatisfactory!  This breaks down into four basic categories:

      1. Environmental stability
      2. Global health
      3. Economic justice
      4. Peace and freedom

      By all accounts, these four necessities are all in decline at an accelerating rate. Just a few random facts:

      -A top Pentagon release stated that the global climate change, caused by population boom and mass pollution, will make the threat of terrorism seem insignificant by 2050.
      -Never before in human history has so much wealth been in the hands of so few. 
      -There are 44 million child laborers in India alone. 
      -More than 150 countries use torture. 
      -A third of the world is at war. 
      -30 million Africans are HIV positive. 
      -In industrialized countries, the average person eats between 13 and 15 pounds of food additives each year. 
      -Most Third World countries are run by violently oppressive governments, and even many wealthy countries. 
      -The extinction rate is skyrocketing. 
      -The rainforest is disappearing. 
      -Industrial pollution has destroyed the ozone layer and melting ice caps are causing the sea levels to rise. 
      -Giant factory farms have replaced the individual farm, and billions of animals are tortured from the moment of conception to slaughter.

      (source: "50 facts that Should Change the World," by Jessica Williams)

      But indeed, one must leaf through several books to uncover the staggering conclusion that these are not isolated tragedies, but part of a global system that condones these symptoms of a deranged society.  The World Bank and International Monetary Fund have ruled that any obstruction to global commerce, including human rights, are illegal for any country that accepts their "assistance."  In moral reality, nothing can have higher priority than universal human rights.  But society is way off the mark the moral reality department.

      It is clear that the global Powers That Be are content to allow these trends to continue.  But why?

      II. The Terror State

      America likes to think of itself as "the world's police."  We've gotten that reputation from a century of violent military interventions in other countries.  It's pretty sad what it implies that we think of America as a global police force.  Anyone who lives in Philadelphia, New York, Los Angeles, or other cities knows that police are often violently racist, and also frequently corrupt

      So it should come as no surprise that America the self-appointed "Global Police State" goes around beating up other countries and then economically enslaving them. 

      We should also be concerned with how our government treats its own people.  Our leaders have promised that the climate of terrorism in America is here to stay.  When we were in school we learned that the world is making its way toward more peaceful times, and now we're told that the War on Terrorism will never end.

      What a cynical lie.  America's the most powerful nation on Earth, by far, and has no enemies with the capability to attack us in any major way.  We're supposed to accept the cancellation of the Bill of Rights and Constitution through measures like the PATRIOT Act, spend billions of our tax dollars for a forceful invasion of the Middle East for the profit and power of the elites, and allow our local police to be turned into agents of federal repression. 

      Most of all, Americans need to understand that the entire pretext for the War on Terrorism--the September 11th attacks--was actively perpetrated by our own Executive Branch--the President, the Cabinet, the top military brass, and the chiefs of American intelligence.  They destroyed evidence, told the press countless lies, called off every military and intelligence defense protocol, funded the Taliban, did business with the Bin Ladins, gave Osama complete CIA training, then turned the attacks into a pretext for planned invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq.  Hundreds of websites, books, and films meticulously document these and other discomforting facts, along with pieces of evidence from other angles: physical impossiblities, early warnings, financial records, and later confessions all point the blame right on our own leaders.  We sell many books and films that support this conclusion and many websites have compiled the evidence.

      But even if our leaders weren't behind 9/11, they still had absolutely no excuse for passing the PATRIOT Act, for invading Iraq, for militarizing the police, for looting Social Security, for crippling environmental protection, or for using the attacks for political purposes.

      Bush was the chief executive.  His job description, essentially, was, "prevent 9/11," since the President's primary responsibility is to protect the nation.  Yet insanely, his incompetence actually BOOSTED his public support. 

      Americans are waking up rapidly, but if we don't get organized and mobilized, we're in for a fascist dictatorship.  Already the Republicans are talking about repealing yet another Constitutional measure to allow Arnold to run in 2008, despite being an Austrian who's publicly admitted to admiring dictators like Hitler. 

      It's going to be a really tough job.  Nevermind politics--just look at America itself!  We're the world's most drug-consuming country, illegal and pharmaceutical both.  We're the world's most militaristic nation.  We consume more as a nation than any other.  We're the world's most obese nation.  We're the most economically-stratified nation among the world powers, the least educated, and we'd bet the most bigoted.  America spends as much on pornography as it does on foreign aid--$10 billion a year.  How could we possibly consider ourselves a just nation, as Bush claims, when we're so mentally unbalanced?

      III.  The Resistance

      This is where the idealism and optimism kicks in.  Yes, a lot is wrong with the world.  But in the last few years, it seems that huge numbers of people are rapidly waking up and fighting back.  Not since the 1960's has America seen such anti-war activity. 

      But the resistance does have two major hindrances:

      1. As much as the anti-war, anti-New World Order movement has grown in recent years, it has a long way to go, and there is a significant number of Americans that are so utterly brainwashed that no amount of factual evidence or analysis will ever convince them that they need to join us (chances are, if you're reading this, your parents are in this group)

      2. Among people that are aware of the situation, they are broadly factionalized into groups that disagree on the solution and work against each other instead of working for a common cause.

      The first problem shall only be overcome through tireless effort.  We cannot be silent.  It's the truth movement versus the corporate/government media that seeks to suppress the truth.  We need to be talking to as many people, as much as possible, about these issues.  That is precisely why we have created The Planet.

      The second problem shall only be overcome by activists teaching each other to recognize and steer clear of factionalizing forces.  The easiest way to do this, as an activist, is to make a point to divide your efforts between various action groups and political organizations, not keeping yourself inside of one.  But this is not the only way, and you may certainly dedicate all of your work to one group.  But if you do so, keep your mind open to new ideas, and question when people will tell you "don't believe this guy or that girl, their group is crazy."  REMEMBER, WE ARE ALL ON THE SAME TEAM.  If you disagree with another group's analysis and strategy, discuss it with them, don't just dismiss them!

      The best thing to do when there are group conflicts is to do your best to step away from them.  Ask yourself, "Is this helping?"  If your goal is to get everyone in the country to come to the same conclusions as your group, the answer is probably no.  A smarter goal is to work toward a climate where all revisionist and revolutionary groups, left middle or right, can at least agree on a time and place for coordinated civil disobedience.  For example, the punk community has called for all punks everywhere to meet in St. Louis on a specific day in 2006.  That will be an interesting day.

      Also, keep in mind that rebellion is a way of life, not a side interest.  If you're working for a big nasty company that pollutes and exploits its labor force and you pay taxes, showing up for the occasional demonstration doesn't mean spit.  Even if life forces you to take a job you'd rather not have, there are countless opportunities for protest on the job.  Even if your workplace is totally repressive of personal expression (Wal-Mart, airlines, etc)  you can think of something.  At Wal-Mart, for example, you could leave little propaganda flyers about sweatshops in the clothing department, and parking attendants can leaflet cars discreetly.  Flight attendants can talk to flyers that request diet soda about aspartame (breaks down into methanol and formaldehyde, yum!).  Opportunities are endless.  Even leaving propaganda littered in a bathroom stall will meet some random person's eyes.

      But anyway, as far as organizing goes, beware of peace groups that don't discuss the 9/11 crimes of the Bush administration.  It's an incontrovertible fact that the entire Bush regime is criminally culpable, and there is far more than enough evidence to hang them for it.  It was also their biggest mistake, because they botched it so completely.  Luckily, the Capitol wasn't hit by that fourth plane, so we have some more time to organize before the next big terror attack (it's coming...).  But don't dismiss these groups, try to lead them in a more serious direction.

      There are definitely such things as Fake Peace Organizations (FPO's) set up or infiltrated by covert government operations today.  They (the FBI, the Nixon administration, and subsequent ones) did this relentlessly in the 1960's, calling these operations "COINTELPRO's."  Of course the government is far more powerful and well-funded today than it was in those days, and Ward Churchill's book, "The COINTELPRO Papers" (which we sell) clearly demonstrates that such operations were still being used after the FBI was caught perpetrating these crimes against dissent.

      The group Michigan Peaceworks (formerly Ann Arbor Area Committee for Peace) is probably one such FPO.  They ignore 9/11, they ignore Palestine, they frequently ignore globalization, they don't do much of anything except circulate petitions and parades, they silence anyone in their group that speaks any strong words, and they don't do anything that would be effective on any scale to bring about peace. 

      But when real activists just sneer at them and dismiss them, it doesn't do any good.  If the group's steering committee is dead set against resolving the issue, why don't people try this: talk to a lot of their volunteers, see what they think, see if they would pressure the committee as a group.  You might succeed, or you might get nowhere, in which case you should go elsewhere but don't burn the bridge. Even within FPO's, many of their volunteers are good people.  They just believe in bad strategy.  Don't be too hard on them for it; think of how you feel and someone insults your group.  Be proactive!

      Stick to the basics: Only one thing will stop the tyranny from taking America over completely: MASSIVE NONVIOLENT NON-COOPERATION.  That means organizing people to:

      -Resist military service
      -Resist military investment
      -Resist war taxes

      Never mind the politics.  Sort that out when the time comes.  For now, these are the keys.

      IV. The Universe

      As we look into more and more issues from alternative perspectives, the stranger it gets.  The rabbit hole may truly never end.  At some point during your research, you will lose your ability to keep grounded in certifiable facts.  As you research the Skull and Bones Yale cult, the Bohemian Grove gatherings, the secret DARPA mind-control projects, Nazi ties to American elites, the global power centers in Belgium and Switzerland, you'll realize that the truth becomes completely inscrutable, and all you can do is look around and judge things for yourself. 

      What about extra-terrestrials? Peter Jennings for ABC recently reported that some 50% of Americans believe in UFOs.  Countless abduction stories have surfaced, ranging from completely ridiculous to possibly authentic.  We know the U.S. government has put lots of secret research into the matter.  And there are lots of reports about the occult layout of Washington, DC (which is probably true) that connect it to aliens (which is very skeptical, but interesting food for thought).

      They say on the X-Files, "the truth is out there."  Perhaps, but the truth shall always lie beyond the horizon, for us.  All we can do is gather evidence, and assess the relative likelihood of various possibilities.  Hopefully, we can do this for ourselves, but if not, hopefully you at least find some wise and honest person to believe.

      However, a more helpful expression would be "the lies are right in front of us."  We may never fully understand the ways of the universe, but we can see and verify many, many lies that we've been told, lies that have been disproven, but remain repeated.  The path to truth is forged by displacing the lies surrounding it.

      It's probably Dead Prez that said it best: "No one knows if there's UFO's, or any life on Mars, or what they're doing when they're up in the stars, because I don't believe a word of what the President said."

      So believe what you want, do what you want, try to be good, try to steer clear of bullshit.  That's about all we can suggest.  That's all we know to do.

    Shout Box

    SiTTiNG in the GREEN GRASS

    NO matter how hard they try to
    de-animalize with
    id numbers, serial numbers,
    credit card numbers...
    So the next time, just remember that
    people still eat,
    people still think
    and people still defecate.

    Talking about which, poo (caca) is natural, in fact as natural as breathing.
    From the moment we're born
    to the moment we die, we produce it.
    It's as old as creation.
    It will never run out.
    It's the world's most underrated resource.

    Resembling pale within the dark history,
    I come with respect of another story.
    How are you to shit
    If you can't sit and eat!!!
    The very cultural elements that make us all outstanding
    Need not to be shared in perspective of this shit
    But about the movement called globalization
    I tell you what
    This shit ain't always right

    Nauru, the world's tiniest island republic,
    has based its entire economy on exporting this stuff, making it one of the richest countries in the world.
    Well it's not their shit literally
    but prehistoric bird shit which is rich in phosphate, very valuable ingredient in fertilizer.
    But after 90 years of mining has stripped the island bare.
    And with a guaranteed annual income of $20.000,
    the islanders adopted a westernized fatty diet
    that has brought soaring rates of diabetes and obesity and slashed average life expectancy to 50 years.
    If you die before seeing your own shiny little offsprings
    and who they , who they, who they sit, sing and shit with !!!
    I tell you what
    This shit ain't straight at least just not yet
    I realize this and shit define in me.
    In this city where bacon and cabbage mixed with curry
    the common city smell, so don't you worry.
    Because it's natural for the people to be together living in the cities.

    We can all shit unique and no two examples are alike.
    I believe in the spirit of man + woman.
    I use this belief to help me over scan:

    shit is race,
    culture ideology.
    Difference in thought,
    it's all biology.
    When they say it's all about fight,
    we must resist the wrong to expose the right.

    I will never try to be or claim understanding which I lack!
    But if you see the legacy: a body must give a spirit a home.
    We crave for the creator's master plan,
    Peace and happiness through all the lands.
    I wish to be nothing.
    I AM WHAT I AM!!!
    Acknowledge limitations, I do what I can.
    To add to a struggle I trouble for coaches,
    Seeking guidance up in flight with some roaches.

    Aiming a future for my unborn children
    I am trying to see what I can do for our beautiful world
    That's what life is all about...
    We are all wounded in one way or another
    It is through these wounds that we are learning how to love
    Our personal legend is to reconnect to the core of being
    As we accomplish this
    We will first receive, than share with the world

    I love nature so much and the people are the best product of nature!

    It is hard to say who is really a poet.
    It is harder to accept what others rationalize for you.
    We are reluctant to become undefended and to show what we have inside whether it is positive or negative
    My friends, it will take a lot of love to perfect our own poo-poo.
    Thanks for listening, Until next week, get ready to talk about something more interesting ...

    SEX in detail !!!

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