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» Domain

Current Layout
Past Layout

» History

There really isn't that much of a background for this site. I was closing and I realized I still wanted a site. I was (and still am) sick of having a domain. It's so much work. So I made up the name, found a wonderful host (Rachael), and opened. The end. :D

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» Name

Well, really it came from shopping. I went to this store and tried on a dress that was 50's style and it like dawned on me how cool 50's stuff is. And it just fits my body, and just me in general, hence Fifties Gal.

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» Current Layout

Version: 2
Title: The Lip
Featuring: a very cute little boy
Getty Images for the picture

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» Past Layout

Version: 2
Title: The Lip
Put it up: April 20, 2003
Took it down: n/a

Version: 1
Title: Pretty In Pink
Put it up: April 6, 2003
Took it down: April 20, 2003

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» Credit

Mara: I am so glad I met you. You make me happy and cheer me up. You are sincere and sweet and I love you girl!
Sheema: We met a long time ago and I am so glad it all happened. You are so fun to talk to and you are so generous. Thank you for everything!

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» Awards

none yet, but I am sure we can fix that...right?

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» Fansigns

none yet...wanna change that?

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