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<bgsound src="Wild_Blue_Yonder.mp3"loop=infinite> Rocketry


It's 4:20 P.M. on Saturday and I just got back from L.U.N.A.R. about an hour ago. It was probably the best time that I've ever been there. Even though it was a little windy, it calmed down during the day, and we didn't lose any rockets or break any fins. That's a personal record. In a little while there will be many pics posted on the "Rocketry Pics" page. I took my digital camera and out of about 200 pics I deleted so much that I only have about 80 or 100 left. (I'm not going to post all of them, only the good ones.) Yes, all of the pics on the site are of my rockets, unless otherwise noted.

(best viewed with a resolution of 1280x1024)

Rocketry Pics