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Welcome to the home of Insane Faerie where the unthinkable is thinkable, the impossible is possible, and the imagination runs wild.


Created: September 15, 2001
Updated: January 14, 2001

Hey-lo all you wonderful people and welkum to my site! Feel free to wonder about. To your left is the bearded fat lady and to your right is the most flexible man alive that can... okay, we're not going there. Trying to stay PG-13 and all. hehe If you'd like to send me things to post on my site, go right ahead. I'm always happy to recieve more writings and sites and artwork. =-)

Want to meet three incredibly psychotic elvin girls? Want to read interesting stories about their lives and the people around them? Want to learn more about the cruelties of the world? Want to just waste some time while you're on the internet? Then come to Trinity Tribunal! Although it is under construction at this point and time you can still bookmark it and return later on. It's bond to be a site for the ages. So c'mon! Drag your mouse and click away. The tribunal awaits thee.

May the circle be open but unbroken
May the peace of the Goddess be ever in your heart
Merry meet and merry part
And merry meet again

Link to me! Pwease?! Just click here and link me to your site. If you send me a link I'll add you to my links page. =-)

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