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Jacqueline’s Junque



This was going to be another 'piece' on remembering
9-11, it does seem that almost everyone has made that
day an old memory when it comes to understanding, if
not supporting the President in the war against terrorism.
Have people forgotten 9-11? No, I don't think so, but
maybe the horror of that day has faded for too many.

It's been a mere year and a half since the most deadly
terrorist attacks in world history struck down more than
3000 innocents, yet today the debate is on why President
Bush is so hell bent on war. People around the world are
accusing America of being a warmonger, and our President
is the focus of hate both abroad and here at home for
being an aggressor.  

The mass showing of OUR flag has stopped, even though
our sons and daughters are being deployed for a likely
war, and many of our allies seem more inclined to defend
Saddam Hussein than democracy.

There is something very wrong when people can
rationalize that a dictator who has committed genocide
against his own people, invaded and attacked other
countries without provocation, and is known to have
produced VX, anthrax, and other biological and chemical
weapons, is not a threat to the world and the US.

I keep hearing that people want proof, or a smoking gun,
proof of what? Proof that Hussein has a direct connection
to those who attacked us on 9-11-2001? If there is no
such proof should we then allow this mad man to continue
to prepare for that day when he does attack? Do people
really want to see THAT smoking gun?

Yes, we need to remember, but more than that the
American people and the world need to wake up!
How can so many not understand that 9-11 was not
an isolated incident, it was not a simple crime requiring
only that we punish someone!


We must act to defend ourselves against another
potentially even greater attack!

Our need is to defend ourselves and that's what people
are missing.   If it were about revenge I might be out
there protesting as well...BUT THAT'S NOT IT!
This is not a family feud between Saddam and the
Bush's, it's not about oil, and it's not because the
President wants to flex his political muscle!

The cry from the left just after 9-11 was how could
we let this happen! Shouldn't we have known? Surely
we could have done something!


George W. Bush is a man of action, and he is leading
US to a safer world in spite of those who would
continue the policy's that led to 9-11-2001!

The troops that will fight this battle for our way
of life are OUR sons and daughters, they are the
hero's of the next generation! Lets get behind them
squarely, support what they will likely have to do
and stop asking what Saddam has ever done to us,
because the answer is simple........

It makes no difference what he may or may not
have had to do with 9-11, or if he has yet to actually
sponsor a terror attack against the United States!
Saddam Hussein is a threat to the world of equal
caliber to Aldof Hitler! Had the world acted to stop
that mad man millions of lives would have been spared!

It's only RIGHT that we stop this
would be Hitler NOW!



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