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Jacqueline’s Junque



The dispute between those who supported removing
Saddam from power, and those who think we acted
based on bad intelligence, poor reasons, and even
some who believe that we invaded Iraq for the
Presidents own personal reasons, continues on.

There clearly were those who supported the
President only because of the fear of an imminent
threat from Iraqi weapons of mass destruction.
Many actually believe that the President, or those
in his administration made a claim that the threat
was imminent, in spite of the President being very
clear that Saddam needed to be removed before he
was able to reconstitute his nuclear program, and
before he became an even bigger threat once again.

We now occupy Iraq, and in spite of much effort,
have yet to find any WMD, nor has the American
public been shown any proof of Saddam's programs
that were still in place to produce chemical weapons.
The result of this failure to find the weapons we
were told Saddam possessed has become the central
issue for many who oppose the President in the
2004 Campaign

So what if these weapons are never found?
Does this mean that removing Saddam and going to
war in Iraq was wrong? Does it mean that we were
diverted from the war or terror as some claim?

Absolutely NOT!
For the following reasons.

1. Freeing Iraq, and removing Saddam is and
always was a part of the war on terrorism!
It is NOT some diversion!

2. Saddam was required to show that he disarmed.
It was not to be a search, or a question of what our
intelligence could gather. He needed to give up his
weapons, or provide information about how and when they
had been destroyed. He did neither of these things!

3. Freeing the Iraqi people and finally being able
to end the no fly zones that were necessary for as
long as Saddam was in power. American pilots were
being targeted and fired upon on a regular basis!

If we are in a war on terror, and the planning is
for that GLOBAL war, then much more is likely
in play as well. I believe that if we are to defeat
terrorism then we must effect the causes of terror.
Those root causes are in large part the poor conditions,
and the tyranny that so many Arab's live under.

If both Iraq and Afghanistan become democratic
and prosperous, then other Arab nations such as Iran,
Saudi Arabia, etc., will soon find themselves pushed
toward reform. A more modern and prosperous Middle
East as a whole in which the people are not "left out,"
will make the world much safer from terrorism!

There was little or no possibility that any progress
toward a more modern, a better educated, and a more
free Middle East was going to happen in the foreseeable
future short of America stepping in and making
it happen. Terrorism is global in scope, yet clearly
centered in the Arab nations. It is very real, and
it is not going away on it's own. Defeating terrorism
means helping these people move into the modern world!

Saddam gave us ample reason to remove him, but it
seems clear that his removal is far bigger than he was.
I don't think we are simply changing regime's in Iraq,
I think we are changing the entire Middle East and in
so doing making the US and world much safer.

None of the above changes if WMD's are not found!

Those who still claim that we went to war only because
of the threat Saddam posed with WMD's are missing
the point entirely! The United States was attacked by
terrorists, Terrorists declared war on US! We have
in response declared war on terrorism! No one has
claimed that Saddam was directly involved in the
attacks of 9-11, in spite of continuing evidence that
he may very well have been.

Freeing the people of Iraq and Afghanistan are not
simply side effects of retaliating against those who
attacked us, both are part of effecting the entire
region and fighting terrorism world wide!

Changing course at this point would likely make things
worse rather than better. The war that was declared
against us will not go away if President Bush is not
reelected. Terrorism must be defeated if we are to
have peace. Terrorists do not negotiate, they do not
surrender and they do not quit. If we are to win
this war then we must change the conditions that breed's
the hate that drives them!

The President is following the only rational course
open to defeating this evil, and it will work! This
will not be a quick fight, it will not be easy but we
MUST "stay the course" This too is what
President Bush told the nation from the beginning.

Support our troops, support our President, and
support FREEDOM for all!

World peace depends on it!



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