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~*~Glorious Ministry's Founder~*~

Pastor G. Appathurai

One small village, full of coconut trees and paddy field filled with the blessed sound of sea waves and with lots of poor people. This is the village where our Pastor G. Appathurai was born.

He was born in 1963 and raised a Hindu. He is the youngest son of his father. He has two brothers and one sister also living along with him in that village.

He was studying in a small mission school. During this period he came to hear about Jesus Christ, but it had no effect on his life. But later when he was studying in the middle school and then in college, he came to think about the true God. He was an idol worshipper and used to go to many different idol temples.

It was during this period that he came into the real knowledge of God. Who is the real God, the helping and loving God. The God who will wipe away the tears of His people, those who worship Him. He was searching the REAL God. At last he came to know that Jesus IS the loving God, helping, comforting and giving peace and also blessing those who serve Him. He came to know that Jesus can bless the people because he was undergoing tremendous poverty in his life during this period.

With the help of one of his friends, he started going to church with the aim that Jesus is the loving and blessing God but not having any change in his life. He was doing lot of sin from his childhood on. He was living in extreme poverty not even able to eat food regularly.

During the year of his technical college, a 3 year study, he used to take one meal per day because his father had died and his mother was bed-ridden.

He faced all these types of problems even after he came to know Jesus. But he started praying to Jesus regularly in the church and house. He began to attend church regularly and read the Bible regularly. By His faithfulness, Jesus was also doing wonders in his life. He completed his technical college study even with all that poverty and many financial problems.

On completion of his study, God gave him a job in Indian Air Force as a Radar technician miraculously. This is really the grace of God. He joined in the Indian Air Force and Jesus start blessing him with Word of God and the fellowship of brothers and sisters in Christ. This was the great interest in his life~to follow Jesus. He came across lot of brothers and sisters and even a lot Pastors. He learned much about the Bible and came to understand the meaning of Sin and Christian life. Once he came to know and understand about sin he committed his life to Jesus. He took water baptism and start living for Jesus as a witness.

During this period, he was sent for training in France to study about Flight Simulators and its functions. This was a real miracle in his life and the study was near about eight months. Jesus blessed him in his work place also. Also, during this period, the spirit of God spoke to him about ministry and gave him the burden to pastor. He used to be friendly with pastors and take part in their suffering and used to help them. This brought him into the ministry of God of helping pastors.

Finally God gave him a vision to stand for the Lord’s ministry and call for the Church planting Ministry. He came out from Indian Air Force and start working among his village people. Lots of people accepted Jesus Christ as personal saviour. This was a great help in going ahead with his ministry.

He used to wait upon the Lord’s feet for His mighty leading. There was a great revival among the people of his village. But still he was waiting upon the Lord’s feet for His mighty plan. One fine day the Lord send another miracle into his life and he went to Qatar for serving as a Simulator Engineer over there.

On arrival in Qatar, he came to learn that this country is closed to the gospel. Moreover this country is a Muslim country. He visited lot of underground churches in Qatar, and finally came to realize that there was no ministry among his own native people. No one was there to lead them. So he started a prayer meeting and then it become church services. He served and pastured the church in Qatar for 10 years. During his stay in Qatar, he planted seed for Glorious Ministry and establishing churches in INDIA.

His vision of church planting become mobile.

One fine day Jesus told him to return to India. Upon accepting His call, he came to India and is now serving as a full time pastor and looking after the care of Glorious Ministry churches.

He started a bi-monthly magazine called Magimayin Malar which means “Flower of Glory”. This magazine is very helpful in bringing the Glory of God to lot of people.