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                     HOME PAGE


Come on in...take your shoes off and get comfortable...Hope you enjoy your visit!
         Hi...Welcome to my world...Hope you enjoy your visit!!!
         First a little about me and my family!
         My name is Kathy Gale Payne and I live in a small town in Indiana.  I have been married for 21 years to Allen Eugene Payne.
    I have a 16 year old daughter: Alicia Renee’.   And 4 step-children: Mike, Bobbie Jo, Christy and Doug. Alicia is the only one left at home. The others have all moved out and started families of their own.
          I also have 10 step-grandchildren: Jesse, Danille, Brock, Brooke, Candace, Nicholas, Tate, Bailey, Jacob and Alex.
          I have worked as a cook and server for the past 5 years at the local high school. My daughter also attends this school and she will be a junior next year.    
         My husband is a retired ironworker.  He spends most of his days on the golf course.

         We have 6 pets in our household.  2 dogs, Tiffy (a cocker spaniel) and Dixie (a miniature poodle);   3 parrots, Sydney, Sam & Chipper; and a turtle named Scooter.  
          My hobbies include: spending time with my family, genealogy, my parrots, reading and flower gardening. I also like to make quilts...but I haven’t done that in a long time.
           I also spend way to much time on the computer!!!
           I have been doing research on my families genealogy for about 6 years.  I have quite a bit of information.  (Check out my genealogy pages!) Right at the moment - I do not have all my information programmed into my computer.  That's something that I have been neglecting to do.  (Shame on me!!!)  But...I plan to get it all put into some kind of genealogy program so that I will have it all in one place.  Just got to find a program that I like.  
          Hope you enjoy your visit.  This is the first web-page that I have ever done.  Please check back often because I will probably be adding to it regularly.  And feel free to e-mail me...

         July2002.  All rights reserved, please observe copyright laws.   
         Photographs or other materials may be copied for personal  use.  Nothing on this site may be used in
         any format on or off the Internet for commercial profit. 
         If you take something from these pages, please e-mail me and let me know.  Thanks.


   updated: Sept 6, 2002