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Thanks for visiting my Home Page

Hi, my name is Karla.

I'm 5'5, got brown hair, brown eyes and a good sense of humour. I like swimming, Internet, music, cinema and good sex.... *wink*

I am looking for nice people to have lots of fun with. I'm not looking for a serious relationship, as I only just broke up with my ex boyfriend.

As I gave you my home page address this means that I am very interested in meeting you. If you click on the blue "Next Page" link underneath this text, this will take you to my photo album. Let me know what you think of the pictures...


I hope this gives you a better idea of what I look like. I know my boobs aren't the biggest ever, but I hope you like the rest of me. If you want to see my 49 pictures, you can by going through the AVS thingy down here. It protects little innocent children from seeing me naked. They might ask their parents what I'm doing and I don't think the kid would understand the explanation....

Oh well, at least you know what I look like exactly, so you can still get out of meeting me if you don't like the look of me.

Sorry to put you through all that. I promise you that you won't be disappointed though. And you can get access to other Adult Sites as well. I'll try not to get jealous about you looking at other girls.



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