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Welcome one and all to the FSA Home page.  FSA is the premier clan of the WAR ONLINE GAME.


FSA welcomes one and all to our home page, though only members can get into the sections where the good stuff is. 

We want to tell you a little about FSA and what we do.  We are a clan of experienced players that cooperate to make us all stronger.  We are not bullies, we don't not seek the advancement of ourselves in our games by treating others in an unfair way or by doing things that are against the spirit of the game that Requiem presents to the players.  However, we are not to be taken lightly and will go out of our way to punish players in this game who are without honor.  We are not a chivalrous knight but more like a Wyatt Earp type.  We WILL seek vengeance against players that wrong us or our friends in an unfair way and our vengeance will be swift and powerful. 

We know as beta testers of WOL we are responsible for the improvement of the game, offering ideas and searching for bugs.  Some times we have been asked to participate in special test of new versions and we don't use  bugs to our advantage.  We are very active in the forums, looking to improve the game and offer help to new players.  


Our members hope to see you on WOL and hope you enjoy playing this very addictive and fun game.