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Feelin' Better


Welcome! This month I want to talk about a subject that many people suffer from, but they do not think that it is important enough to talk about. Unfortunately, that is a very wrong belief. This may be something that is effecting their entire health, more that they know. Check out the list of problems that have been linded to problems in this area by physicians:

(This problem may not be the sole cause in some cases, depending on the individual)

Weakening of the heart muscles

High blood pressure



Chronic Fatigue

Difficulty with concentration

Loss of memory


Stomach Disorders


Emotional Stress


Chronic Abdominal Pain

Frequent urination

(and more that I did not list here)

This "little" problem can be producing injury in these areas, even though the symptoms may not be evident right away.

How can something that you think is "not a big deal" be creating such havoc on your body? It is because your colon is a sewage system, but by neglect and abuse, it becomes a cesspool. When it is clean and normal, we are well and happy, but let it stagnate, and it will distill the poisons of decay, and putrefaction into your blood, poisoning your brain and nervous system so that you may become mentally depressed and irritable. It will poison the heart so that you can become weak and listless. In short, every organ of the body is poisoned, and you will age prematurely, look and feel old, your joints may become stiff and painful, and your pleasure of living is gone.

Many people use lazatives and enemas, thinking that this will be a cure for constipation. But the heavy use of laxatives is usually not necessary and often can be habit-forming. The body begins to rely on the laxatives to bring on bowel movements and over time, forgets how to work on its own. For the same reason, if you use enemas often, you may lose normal bowel function. Over use of mineral oil - a popular laxative - may reduce the body's ability to use vitamins (A,D, E, and K) Mineral oil may also interact with drugs that prevent blood clots, causing undesired side effects.

If you suffer from bowel problems, please call me. I will be happy to discuss natural ways to help you, that are specific to your personl needs. My phone number is (317)326-3297.

We are providing EAR CANDLING. We use a glass candle with a blend of 100% pure and natural essential oils of sage, lavender, eucalyptus and tea tree in a base of jojoba and organic safflower oils. This is a must for anyone suffering from ear problems.

Ask about our FREE Gift Certificates for a free one hour evaluation valued at $50.00

We also have protocols that look at the all the minerals, vitamins, diet changes that you may need to address a certain condition. So be sure to ask for the suggested protocol for your situation.

Please Remember:
Again I want to state that I am a firm believer that our bodies have a unique balance of mineral and natural chemical elements that are designed to work in harmony with each other. I believe that when that balance is lost, we fall prey to disease, fatigue, weight problems and other health issues. I have also observed when we raise the nutritional levels and strengthen the immune system, the body has an opportunity to heal itself and our sense of well being improves. My main goal is to be able to share with people how to keep that balance so that they can feel their best. This material is not intended as a guide to self-medication. The reader is advised to discuss the information provided here with a doctor, pharmacist, nurse or other authorized healthcare practitioner and to check product information including package inserts regarding dosage precautions, warnings and interactions before administering any drug, herb or supplement. Please remember that all products may not be suitable for all people

To receive more information about constipation, and colon care, or to place an order, please call Marcus Newman at 317-326-3297. You may also email us at: and describe your individual condition, and we will reply with what products and protocols may benefit you.

How To Contact Us:

If you have questions concerning products or would like to set up a personal consultation, please E-mail us at the address below. Include in your e-mail all of your questions and a good time for us to contact you.

To place an order, please feel free to use our order line.

Order Line: 1-877-260-7260

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