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There are things in life we can't change
The feeling when one leaves us
Makes You think
You can't make it through
The next day
But in reality.. in You she lives
There is no greater love
Than the love of Your Mother

There is no depth to the feeling of loss
When my mother left me
i didnt' think i'd ever be able to function
But she raised a survivor
And though i'll never be over my loss

Time does heal the pain
Time makes us stronger
And knowing she is watching over You
Will make You be a stronger and better person

i know that i can't take away the pain
Because no one could ever take the pain away for me
But i will help to ease Your pain
If there is something i can do for You
Know that i am here and willing to love You
i didn't know in a sense know but i felt Your love

And that love of Yours..
Helped me in more ways than You realize
i hope that You let me be there for You
like You were there for me

Please lean on me and let me comfort You
If i can
Love is strong
But the Love of two is stronger

i love You
Together We will get through this

Jason and michelle

For those We have lost
michelle's mom March 1, 1937- May 25, 1999
Jason's momma January 5, 1952 to August 9, 2004

Keeping them in our thoughts
Loving them for eternity

Arms Of An Angel
August 15,2004
Sarah McLachlan
sang by chel