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The Esposito's KC Adventure!






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A Future Cabby's Dreams

This picture of Alex, Francesca and Papa Gene was taken Spring 2003 in Palm Beach. We were viewing Alex's artwork which is in the background. She titled it Taxi Driver.

She titled it this because she has always wanted to be a Taxi Driver in the big city. She's dreamt of this ever since she was a little child. She often gets excited when we travel into the city where many of her future coworkers are driving about.

She says there's no better job in the world. Alex will meet all kinds of people from all over the world. And those are just her cabby comrades. She has saved a bumper sticker she is dying to proudly place adjacent to the "Yellow Cab" logo. It reads " Napster Good, Metallica Bad. She's also excited because some of her future co-workers have even dyed their hair "crazy colors" like blue.

Normally blue is not a crazy color, like salmon, but when referring to hair, I think this qualifier is on the money.