Newton's Unknown Fourth Law of Motion



1. First Name: Alina
2. Middle: Nicole. If you want to get technical, then it's also Teresa. others.
3. Sex : Yes. I mean--Female
4. Birthday : 8/21/89
5. Age : 14
6. Star Sign : Leo
7. Place of Birth : Miami, Florida
8. Current residence : Miami, Florida
9. Hair color : Dirty Blonde
10. eye color : Hazel...more green than brown.
11. Height : 5'5.5"
12. Writing hand: Right. That's the "right" way to go! :D


13. do you bite your nails : Yes
14. can you roll your tongue : Yes
15. can you do a cartwheel : Nope. Definitely a nope.
16. Can you raise one eyebrow at a time : Yes. But only my left one.
17. Can you blow smoke rings : Never tried.
18. can you blow spit bubbles : Yes, but I try not to... [laughs]
19. can you cross your eyes : Yes
20. colored hair : Nope.
21. tattoos and where : Nope. Not interested.
22. Piercings and where : I don't tend to enjoy impaling myself ^__~ No.
23. do you make your bed daily : Never.
24. do you sleep naked : Nope.
25. Which shoe goes on first : Left, usually. Depends on which shoe I pick up first.
26. Favorite type of shoes : Asics sneakers.
27. Where do you keep your clothes : My chair.
28. Speaking of shoes, have you thrown one at someone?: Many times, actually. But they started it.
29. What jewelry do you wear 24/7?: Ring on my left hand.
30. How much money is usually in your wallet: Allowance scrapings.
31. you got a job: No I didn't.
32. Democrat/Republican : *whistles inconspicuously*
34. what can the U.S. do to commemerate 9/11: Stop paying athletes so much. As a starter, you know. Maybe donate a few million to SCHOOLS.
35. whats your opinion on Bill Clinton and his marriage scandal: He's a Democratic assmaster XD


36. Are u taken by someone : They stole me. Bastards.
37. Who : Everybody.
38. Why do u like them : They're...hilarious.
39. When is the date you two began going out : Get it? "Date"? "Going out"? Oh, nevermind...
41. Are you willing to try the other side: Yeah, sure! I'm just Homo sapien-sexual! XD


42. do you twirl your spagetti or cut it : Cut AND twirl. I'm talented.
43. how many cereals are in your cabinet : Five or something...I just go for the bars.
44. what utensils do you use eating pizza : None.


46. How often do you brush your teeth : In the morning, at night, and before unusual meetings.
47. How often do you shower/bathe : Every day, most of the time.
48. How long do these showers last? : Depends on the weather.
49. Hair drying method : I towel it to death and have a really cool spike fro.


51. do you curse : Yes, unfortunately.
52. do you mumble to yourself : Tons.
53. do you spit in public : Never.
54. do you pee in the shower : Oh, gee, lemme see...only if I forget to pee OUTSIDE of it...? XD
55. in the cd player...: Yeah, sure. All the time. I just love to fry my electronics with bodily waste... *rolls eyes*
56. person you talk most on the phone with: School buds.
57. what color is your bedroom : White. All white. It's like...crackerland.
58. Do you use an alarm clock : Yes.
59. Name one thing or person you're obsessed with?: Art.
60. have you ever skinny dipped with the opposite sex: Yes.
61. ever sunbathed in the nude : Nope. I'm not THAT strange.
62. window seat or aisle : Window.
63. whats your sleeping position : The same as God's.
64. what kind of bed do you like : Depends on the weather.
66. do you snore : I'd HOPE not...
67. do you sleepwalk : Rarely.
68. do you talk in your sleep: Apparently so.
70. how about the light on : Only if I zonk out while studying.
71. do you fall asleep with the tv or radio on : Radio, always.
72. been abused? : Yes.
73. kissed someone : Nope.
74. watched bambi : Not in QUITE A WHILE.
75. cried : All the time.
76. talked on the phone : ...Less than crying. Damn it!
77. read a book : Right now, too many than I care to write about...
78. punched someone : Loads of times.


79. where do you see yourself ten years from now : At lunch.
80. Who are you gonna be married to and where : If I knew that, I'd go to the 8th level of Hell for being a fortune-teller.
81. How many babies do you want : None now. Math is my child. And I want to strangle it. It's ADOLF.
82. your profession : Ar-teest.


84. sport : Badminton
85. color : Green.
86. instrument: Piano
87. ice cream: Chocolate. Or raspberry. Or both.
88. coffee drink: Cafe con leche, yew XD
89. panty style: That comfortable kind between thongs and grandma panties...heh.
90. juice: Cranberry.
91. book: ...Oh, crap. Echo's awesome. And that one by Beth Goobie...
92. day of the week: Saturday
93. place to be kissed: Not that I make out with myself often, but...
94. web site: You want me to choose? You crazy monkey...
95. relative: Cousin.
96. porn: Never. EVER. I've been to a few sites, but only by accident.
97. name: I love Judy. No clue why. It's snarky.
99. mind altering substance: Chocolate.
100. thing to buy at liqure store: Doritos.

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My IM: EDPTgirl

Contact me for comments, criticism, stupidity, or boredom-curing.



