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Welcome to Heavenly Deliveries Doula Services

Great reasons to have a Birth Doula..

Welcome to Heavenly Deliveries Doula Service. What is a Doula?? Doula" refers to a supportive companion (other than a friend or loved one) who is professionally trained to provide labor support. She performs no clinical tasks. "Doula" also refers to lay women who are trained or experienced in providing postpartum care - mother and newborn care, breastfeeding support and advice, cooking, child care, errands, and light cleaning - for the family. To distinguish between the two types of doulas, one may refer to "birth doulas" and " postpartum doulas."

What can a Doula provide? A doula can provide physical, emotional, and informational support to women and their partners during labor and birth; help and advice on comfort measures such as breathing, relaxation, massage and positioning; assistance to families in gathering information about the course of their labor and their options; continuous emotional reassurance and comfort; non-medical skills such as massage and other non-pharmacological pain relief measures; assistance to partners who want to play an active support role; help so the woman has a safe and satisfying childbirth as the woman defines it.

What can Jodi Hall provide? My name is Jodi Hall I live in Central Illinois and I am a birth doula. I am a new doula who is currently working on her DONA certification. I LOVE being a doula. To provide Labor Support is the most rewarding job i can do. In this website i hope to provide information on why you would need a doula. How helpful a doula can be.And what not only a doula but myself can offer you. I can attend home or Hospital Births. I can help during birth,VBAC,C-Section.I can provide much needed information. And pain relief alternitives such as Massage,Positions,Aromatheropy,accupressure during birth. I can also help with your birth plan. I will visit the mom and dad to be and discuss what they want to happen during the birth. I am avaliable for questions you might have before the birth. I am continuing my education to help you through this wonderful time.

Does a Doula Replace A father? No a doula only enhances the birth experience. The partner and doula work together to give the strongest and best support the mother needs.A doula is not there to replace the father or to be in the way. A doula is just there to not only support the mother to be but the father to be as well. The birth expereince can be wonderful, but there are questions not only the mother has but the father has as well. So the doula is the mother and father support.

Is there Research showing how a doula helps? Yes there is Studys Show that women who use a doula present during there birth. Had a Need for Forceps…....... 40% decrease Cesarean Rate… ............50% decrease Epidural Requests............60% decrease Pain Medication…...........30% decrease Length of Labor…...........25% decrease

Why did i start Heavenly Deliveries? I wanted to start my own independent practice to help women in my area. I want to educate women in my area on how much a doula helps during the childbirth experience. Just having another woman present helps so much. Reseach has shown not only the statictics above but just having a woman present in the room has been shown to ease a womans labor alot. I am in the process of not only starting up my doula practice and getting DONA certified but i am also continuing my education to help my clients with more information. What does a Doula Charge? Myself i am charging on a sliding scale. But the basic range for doulas is $250.00 to 500.00. That includes 2 to 3 prenatal visits. Birth Support, and a postnatal visit as well.

This website is still a work in progress I am upgrading and i will be adding more as time goes on. :) I hope i answered some of your questions about doulas. I have links on my website if you need more information. Also my email address is below if you want to contact me for any questions you may have.

My Favorite Web Sites

Doulas of North America Website
Great place to search for doula information.
Wonderful webiste with Pregnancy information
CAAPA website.
Doula Network Great Place to Find Doulas
Great Information about Doulas
