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The Diaries of Branwyn Aldarion

Hail and well met Traveller! I hope the evening finds you in good health. My name is Branwyn Aldarion, a citizen of the world of Ultima Online, resident of the Catskills shard. Please feel free to have a pint of ale and rest your road weary bones for a while. Within these pages you will find my stories. I will try not to bore you, my intent is only to give you something to take your mind off your worries while you visit with me here. Ahh, that's it, put your feet up and just relax. Let me read to you for a bit.

Seriously now folks, I have designed this website because my character and the roleplaying I do with her sometimes inspires me to write a little something now and then. I only want to use this self made forum as a showcase for my work. Roleplaying is a way for me to get to act out my story ideas and have the benefit of great input from other imaginative people. At the very least I hope you enjoy what I've written. I would like to extend a special thanks to Steve for listening to all my hair brained ideas and helping me make them more plausible and also to my husband for putting up with my roleplaying fascination even though he doesn't understand it.