PVguy11 (3:58:15 PM): who does frankfort play friday8-)
KbAtEs42 (3:59:47 PM): i'm not sure actually....why were you thinkin about going??
KbAtEs42 (3:59:48 PM): :-P
PVguy11 (4:00:04 PM): no they lost i was making fun of them
KbAtEs42 (4:00:14 PM): oh
KbAtEs42 (4:00:17 PM): haha
KbAtEs42 (4:00:35 PM): we lost by 2 right?
KbAtEs42 (4:00:40 PM): i didnt even really care
PVguy11 (4:01:10 PM): yep zach and i were gonna go but when we got back from tri central it was only the 2nd quarter and we would have had to pay
KbAtEs42 (4:01:46 PM): i see....
KbAtEs42 (4:03:14 PM): so your all about going to the games lately huh:-P
PVguy11 (4:03:38 PM): yeah i have been to one in the last month or so
PVguy11 (4:04:00 PM): i gotta support my senior dawgs
KbAtEs42 (4:04:08 PM): haha...about the same
KbAtEs42 (4:04:13 PM): thats no fun
KbAtEs42 (4:04:14 PM): haha
PVguy11 (4:04:47 PM): if we make it to the sectional championship i will prolly go cuz i hate tricentral and i wanna see them lose
KbAtEs42 (4:05:26 PM): hahah
KbAtEs42 (4:05:36 PM): understandable :-P
PVguy11 (4:06:07 PM): you have no idea how much i hate tri central the only schools that i hate more are clinton central and central catholic
KbAtEs42 (4:06:27 PM): so why do you hate them so much
KbAtEs42 (4:06:27 PM): :-P
PVguy11 (4:07:18 PM): tri central is a bunch of whiny little bitches when we kicked their ass in football they cheap shotted us clinton central for all of the obvious reasons and central catholic because they are just pieces of shit
KbAtEs42 (4:08:07 PM): hahah good reasons i guess
KbAtEs42 (4:08:13 PM): i dont think i really hate any school
KbAtEs42 (4:08:32 PM): well....cp. they have a lot of fuckers
KbAtEs42 (4:08:32 PM): ;-)
KbAtEs42 (4:08:33 PM): haha
PVguy11 (4:08:42 PM): yeah fuck cp
KbAtEs42 (4:09:07 PM): frankfort is pretty gay to
KbAtEs42 (4:09:39 PM): brb
PVguy11 (4:09:44 PM): ok

Auto response from KbAtEs42 (4:09:45 PM): Be Right Back :-D

KbAtEs42 (4:13:26 PM): alright i'm bacl
KbAtEs42 (4:13:28 PM): *back
PVguy11 (4:13:34 PM): ok
KbAtEs42 (4:13:34 PM): so what are you doing the rest of the day
PVguy11 (4:13:43 PM): gettin ready to go to rehab
KbAtEs42 (4:14:01 PM): how often do you have to go?
PVguy11 (4:14:08 PM): twice a week
KbAtEs42 (4:14:17 PM): how fun:-P
PVguy11 (4:14:46 PM): yeah
PVguy11 (4:16:31 PM): what about you?
KbAtEs42 (4:17:56 PM): i dont know actually. hopefully getting out this house though.
KbAtEs42 (4:18:02 PM): i have no homework and nothing to do :-P
PVguy11 (4:18:27 PM): sounds like fun
PVguy11 (4:18:37 PM): i'm out the game talk to you later
KbAtEs42 (4:19:32 PM): bye

Auto response from PVguy11 (4:19:33 PM): gettin torqued on again:-\

PVguy11 (7:09:37 PM): did you find anything to do?
KbAtEs42 (7:09:44 PM): haha no
KbAtEs42 (7:09:45 PM): :-P
PVguy11 (7:10:15 PM): go hang out with your homies
KbAtEs42 (7:10:49 PM): my homies?
KbAtEs42 (7:10:51 PM): such as?
PVguy11 (7:11:13 PM): rayna and melissa and all those folk
KbAtEs42 (7:12:33 PM): rayna is at daniels
KbAtEs42 (7:12:35 PM): mel is at work
KbAtEs42 (7:12:40 PM): we dont really hang out that much
KbAtEs42 (7:12:43 PM): but she is cool
PVguy11 (7:13:08 PM): why dont you go over there
KbAtEs42 (7:13:08 PM): they are about the only ppl i hang out with unless i'm with brandon'
KbAtEs42 (7:13:09 PM): :-P
KbAtEs42 (7:13:12 PM): i dont know
KbAtEs42 (7:13:15 PM): dont feel like it
PVguy11 (7:13:16 PM): losef
PVguy11 (7:13:19 PM): loser*
KbAtEs42 (7:13:43 PM): fuck off ;-)
PVguy11 (7:14:09 PM): make me some cookies then that will give you something to do:-D
KbAtEs42 (7:15:01 PM): come make them with me
KbAtEs42 (7:15:46 PM): actually if we were going to hang out and make them together, then i would probably just come to your house. since brandon has made everyone hate my house :-P haha
PVguy11 (7:16:03 PM): i would come to your house i just dont know where you live
KbAtEs42 (7:17:09 PM): oh yeah
KbAtEs42 (7:17:09 PM): haha
PVguy11 (7:17:49 PM): yeah there is that minor detail
KbAtEs42 (7:17:58 PM): do you know where pixi play house use to be??
PVguy11 (7:18:25 PM): nope
PVguy11 (7:18:34 PM): give me a gas station
KbAtEs42 (7:18:35 PM): oh. haha ok
KbAtEs42 (7:18:51 PM): a gas station?
PVguy11 (7:20:02 PM): i know where all those are
KbAtEs42 (7:20:14 PM): hahah....ok. speed way
KbAtEs42 (7:20:55 PM): i live on washington st. you know where that is?
PVguy11 (7:22:02 PM): is it one of the ones that runs to the square
KbAtEs42 (7:22:12 PM): yeah
KbAtEs42 (7:22:27 PM): well i live 12 blocks from the square
KbAtEs42 (7:22:29 PM): :-P
KbAtEs42 (7:22:29 PM): haha
PVguy11 (7:23:07 PM): alright i know where washington is then
PVguy11 (7:24:17 PM): is that your street?
KbAtEs42 (7:24:49 PM): ok...well back to your speedway deal...if you start at speedway and go towards the milky way...turn on washington st....my house is like the 10th house on the right from that road
KbAtEs42 (7:25:03 PM): see...now you know where i live.....
KbAtEs42 (7:25:16 PM): yes...i live on washington street
PVguy11 (7:25:40 PM): turn right onto washington street and go to the 10th house?
KbAtEs42 (7:28:11 PM): oh trun left
KbAtEs42 (7:28:11 PM): hah
KbAtEs42 (7:28:11 PM): did i say right?
PVguy11 (7:28:43 PM): just to make sure what are your house numbers
KbAtEs42 (7:28:51 PM): 1208
KbAtEs42 (7:28:57 PM): its a big green house
KbAtEs42 (7:29:00 PM): you cant miss it
KbAtEs42 (7:29:12 PM): its the second one from the corner...right across from this brick looking house.
KbAtEs42 (7:29:22 PM): its probably one of the biggest houses on the block
PVguy11 (7:29:32 PM): geez money
KbAtEs42 (7:29:40 PM): i dont know about that
KbAtEs42 (7:29:40 PM): haha
KbAtEs42 (7:29:49 PM): my neighborhood is just skanky :-P
PVguy11 (7:29:54 PM): alright well i guess i will come make some cookies then
KbAtEs42 (7:30:11 PM): when?
PVguy11 (7:30:27 PM): half an hour if thats cool or whenever
KbAtEs42 (7:31:55 PM): ahaha.....how about we do it like tomorrow or something....my niece is here and i dont think my mom wants any more messes being made. she has our house torn up the way it is. but we should sometime soon...it would be fun:-P
PVguy11 (7:32:22 PM): alright then
KbAtEs42 (7:32:41 PM): i feel bad...i like gave you directions and everthing and told you another night
KbAtEs42 (7:32:42 PM): haha
KbAtEs42 (7:32:45 PM): we will though
PVguy11 (7:32:54 PM): ok
KbAtEs42 (7:34:37 PM): i guess if you wanted you could come hang out...there is nothing to do here.
PVguy11 (7:35:53 PM): no i just wanted to use you for your cookies:-P;-)
KbAtEs42 (7:38:08 PM): i see how it is
KbAtEs42 (7:38:09 PM): haha
PVguy11 (7:40:58 PM): score i just found a shirt i have been lookin for for awhile
KbAtEs42 (7:41:10 PM): thats good
KbAtEs42 (7:41:12 PM): what is it?
PVguy11 (7:41:26 PM): prairie football
KbAtEs42 (7:41:38 PM): very cool
PVguy11 (7:42:07 PM): and a pair of pants i should have cleaned out my old car eariler
KbAtEs42 (7:42:23 PM): haha....you havent cleaned it out
KbAtEs42 (7:42:24 PM): haha
KbAtEs42 (7:42:26 PM): thats funny
PVguy11 (7:42:52 PM): yeah
PVguy11 (7:43:11 PM): i didnt think there was anything in there i wanted
KbAtEs42 (7:43:23 PM): did you find anything else
PVguy11 (7:44:26 PM): couple of hats camo paint
KbAtEs42 (7:44:43 PM): hahaah....cool
PVguy11 (7:45:11 PM): its a TPing necessity
KbAtEs42 (7:46:37 PM): i see
KbAtEs42 (7:46:42 PM): i have never tp'd anyone
KbAtEs42 (7:46:50 PM): well a lot anyways
PVguy11 (7:47:45 PM): its good fun
KbAtEs42 (7:47:57 PM): i'm sure
KbAtEs42 (7:47:57 PM): hah
PVguy11 (7:49:15 PM): alright well i guess i will come see what you are up to cuz its boring here
KbAtEs42 (7:49:57 PM): hahah sounds cool with me. its boring here too
KbAtEs42 (7:50:03 PM): but come if you'd like
PVguy11 (7:50:11 PM): ok then peace out
KbAtEs42 (7:50:20 PM): bye
KbAtEs42 (7:50:30 PM): oh hey
PVguy11 (7:50:32 PM): what
KbAtEs42 (7:50:39 PM): are you really going to stop by?
PVguy11 (7:50:59 PM): yeh
PVguy11 (7:51:02 PM): yeah*
KbAtEs42 (7:51:45 PM): ok...well just so you know....my house probably is really dark looking, like you wont see it till you get to it. except for the front window
PVguy11 (7:51:59 PM): ok
KbAtEs42 (7:52:03 PM): but its the second house from the corner...you wont see house numbers :-P
PVguy11 (7:52:11 PM): alright
PVguy11 (10:58:50 PM): you are soooooooo dead when it gets warm
KbAtEs42 (10:59:01 PM): and why is that?
PVguy11 (10:59:10 PM): ass beating of a lifetime
KbAtEs42 (10:59:38 PM): uh huh...i bet
KbAtEs42 (10:59:39 PM): haha
KbAtEs42 (10:59:49 PM): you have no good reason to want to kick my ass
PVguy11 (11:00:13 PM): talkin smack
KbAtEs42 (11:00:23 PM): about?
PVguy11 (11:00:46 PM): about everything:-)
KbAtEs42 (11:01:00 PM): hahah right :-P
PVguy11 (11:01:53 PM): time to open up some whoop ass
KbAtEs42 (11:02:45 PM): you just wait....i'll open some whoop ass on you like you wouldnt believe:-P
PVguy11 (11:03:27 PM): bring it on woman
KbAtEs42 (11:03:44 PM): when its warm
PVguy11 (11:04:11 PM): bring your "crew"
KbAtEs42 (11:04:58 PM): hahah and you bring your homeboys
KbAtEs42 (11:05:00 PM): haha
PVguy11 (11:05:08 PM): i'll get the feisty rayna on my side then your in trouble
KbAtEs42 (11:05:39 PM): i'll get brandon, he'll take you down
KbAtEs42 (11:05:45 PM): and jason, yeah he's mine
KbAtEs42 (11:05:49 PM): i'll get all the guys
KbAtEs42 (11:05:53 PM): you can have all the girls you want
KbAtEs42 (11:05:54 PM): haha
PVguy11 (11:07:04 PM): wuss
KbAtEs42 (11:07:15 PM): hahah...you'll think wuss
KbAtEs42 (11:07:25 PM): pvguy...i'll kick your ass
KbAtEs42 (11:07:34 PM): you have nothing on me
KbAtEs42 (11:07:35 PM): hahha
PVguy11 (11:07:49 PM): yeah well my dad can beat up your dad:-P
KbAtEs42 (11:08:00 PM): you've never seen my dad
KbAtEs42 (11:08:10 PM): >:o
KbAtEs42 (11:08:10 PM): haha
PVguy11 (11:09:11 PM): haha
PVguy11 (11:09:21 PM): whatever we go way back
KbAtEs42 (11:09:28 PM): hahahah i bet
PVguy11 (11:09:52 PM): you cant bring jason into this he is neutral like switzerland
KbAtEs42 (11:10:50 PM): hahhaa.....
KbAtEs42 (11:10:51 PM): ok
KbAtEs42 (11:10:57 PM): so it will just me and you
KbAtEs42 (11:11:00 PM): thats only fair
PVguy11 (11:12:50 PM): you just want it that way cuz you cant get anyone to be on your side brandon is a sedetary person and so is jason
KbAtEs42 (11:13:04 PM): hahahha
KbAtEs42 (11:13:05 PM): ok ok
PVguy11 (11:13:54 PM): bring brandon if you want to though i aint scurred none
KbAtEs42 (11:15:52 PM): thats just a cover up....you'll be runnin
PVguy11 (11:16:34 PM): sha right
PVguy11 (11:18:20 PM): no wait we have to fight before next friday cuz then i will be 18 and cant hit you
PVguy11 (11:18:28 PM): haha
KbAtEs42 (11:19:53 PM): hahahah.....oh thats just more advantage on me ;-)
PVguy11 (11:20:07 PM): thats dirty
KbAtEs42 (11:20:52 PM): how is that dirty??
PVguy11 (11:21:37 PM): not dirty as in unclean dirty as in cheap
KbAtEs42 (11:23:09 PM): hahhaa....oh no
KbAtEs42 (11:27:04 PM): night jew :-P
PVguy11 (11:27:09 PM): night