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Links to Helpful Pages

The following links were helpful to us in finding these dates. The first group of links are to authoritative pages that need no explanation. Following them are sites that require a bit of evaluations. They will be evaluated here, but to access them, you must click on the actual links below.

The Calendar of the Great Pyramid of Giza

The dates given in this calendar were recorded long ago, but, as cross checked with various other sites, proved quite accurate. The calendar is also one of the few to provide dates with both month and day. There is a further section to the page which explains the belief or quasi-religion of bahaullah, which is both inadequate and sounds fairly unrealistic. Note: this is not an evaluation of the belief, but of this site's explanation.

Chronological Study of the Life of Christ

Excellent site that calculates the dates of the life of Christ based on historical evidence and biblical quotes. The biblical quotes and some time charts are provided.

The Life and Times of Samuel, Saul, and David

A terrific, well researched site. Gives an easy to read life story of each of these three kings with more than an adequate amount of quotes and texts.

Ron Gallman Christian Site

A truly excellent selection of links. The Time Line listed here is one of the best we came across, particularly in regards to Genesis. It provides dates based on the Jewish calendar and the geneologies of the book of Genesis. It also provides quotes and analysis of important events.

Bible Quiz

A lot of fun. The best way to see how much the site taught you and how much you have to learn. Bar none the best bible quiz on line.

Authoritative Links

The Catholic Encyclopedia
Study Guides of Christians Unite
Encyclopedia Britannica
Encarta Encyclopedia
Daily Bible Study

Evalutated Links

The Great Pyramid Calendar
Chronological Study of the Life of Christ
Samuel, Saul, and David
Ron Gallman Christian Site
Bible Quiz