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How to Date

Researching these dates can be quite difficult and many before us spent lifetimes studying them. It would be simple to look up these dates in the bible, but the bible shies away from exact dating. In fact, about as exact a date as it ever gives is in allusion to the date of Jesus' death. What follows is how scholars determined the date of the death of Christ.

"And the first day of unleavened bread, when they killed the passover, his disciples said unto him, Where wilt thou that we go and prepare that thou mayest eat the passover?" (Mk 14:12)

This passage, which takes place a day before the crucifixion, has led scholars to the fact that Jesus would have died on the fifteenth day of Nisan. John 19:42 places the hour at noon and day at Friday. Thus scholars determine the death of jesus to be noon on Friday March 21, 33 CE.

page by Eric Houston