November 4, 1988

Globe, Arizona



            [Aka is here.]

            “Good evening, Aka. Where is soul Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner and this way. Glory be the name of His children forever and ever. And glory be the name of the Lord, thy God.

            And we [should] tell thee this parable in this manner and this way. 

            For upon the land there came a mighty rain. And all the land, all about, where food could have [been] grown was covered with water. The water was not deep, yet it was a continuous rain. Every day, day in and day out, it would maintain the same amount of water.

            And the multitudes of people were beginning to use up their food supply. And many of the city dwellers had decided to go unto the mountains. Yet, many of them would make very serious mistakes, and there they would die.

            And some of the city people came upon a small valley. It was receiving rain also, but the rain was making the ground flourish and grow.  For the ground was porous and allowed the rain to come through. And everything in the valley was producing food and substance for the animals. And there were many of the wild animals that had come to the valley. 

            And the man who lived in the valley allowed all things to be, for he believed in God’s order of the mighty, majestic [theme] of things. And he had been told in his dreams that the rain would come, but yet, his valley would be as an ark. And those who were to survive would come into his valley.

            And so, when the city dwellers found him, he did not shun them; he brought them forth and gave them food and substance. And he took them about and showed them the work that was to be performed, that he had been performing every day. 

            And they said, “Why should we take care of these animals; they are nothing to us.”

            And the man said, “But they are something to God, for they are God’s future, that He will restore the Earth with.”

            And the man said unto him, “Why do you say this? One day the rains will stop, and we shall all go back to the cities. And the cities will flourish again and grow.”

            But the rains did not stop; they went on and on. And others came into the valley, and the man accepted these the same way. He helped them build homes. He helped them learn to yield from the land. He tried to teach them all to take care of the animals.

            But soon, some decided that the food they had was not enough. They had to kill the animals and eat the flesh of the animal.

            At first, the man went unto them and said, “This is not the way of the Lord. And it is not what He has provided for. The Lord has spoke to me in my dreams and I know His wishes.”

            And they threw rocks at him and cast him about, for they [would war] him.

            And he said unto them, “This is not the way the Lord would desire. And these things [that] belong to the Lord, not mine, shall go forth and be the seed of all the world.”

            Yet, they began to kill him, more and more.

            And then came upon the land suddenly overnight − the heat of the sun seemed it had reached from the sky and began to burn the land and all in it. And they ran from the valleys. And they ran to where the cities had been. There was no water in [this village], no water at all, and no food.

            They decided they would go back into this valley. But this time the old man and his helpers had blocked their way. And he said unto them, “Should you enter, you must have the permission from the Lord.”

            They said, “How are we to get permission of the Lord? We cannot speak unto Him.”

And he said unto them, “Go forth, there is an altar. There, if you wish to speak to the Lord, speak to Him, but speak the truth; if you speak lies He will not hear you.”

            One by one, they came forth, yet each tried to hide from the Lord, God, what they had done.

            And the Lord did not answer them − until finally, a young boy came before the Lord, and he said, “Oh, Lord, I have sinned unto You. I did not kill the animals, but I ate of the flesh. And I am as guilty as all the others. But Lord, if You do not hear us, we shall soon perish from the Earth. Give us the chance to rebuild Your temple and ours.”

            And he waited. And he waited day and night. And upon the third day, the Lord spoke unto him and said, “Why do you weep, My son?”

            And the boy said, “Because Your children are dying, my Lord.”

            And the Lord said unto him, “Are these not the same children who went into My valley and killed the animals that were to replace and replenish the earth?”

            He said, “Yes, Lord, but they know not what they do. Because they are ignorant, Lord, and because they know not of Your ways, I beg You to forgive them and give them another chance.”

            And so, the Lord said unto him, “The gate shall be open, and you will enter, but you will not stay beyond the forty days. On the fortieth day, you shall all leave and return back to your city.”

            The lad heard unto Him. But inside of him he was in doubts within himself whether he could get the people to do what the Lord wanted. 

            And the Lord saw his doubts and said, “Worry not, for they shall heed you.”

            And so they went into the valley, and were given food and work to perform and houses to live in and clothes to wear. 

            And into the fortieth day, the boy had told them that that day would come. He said, “It is the time to leave.” But they were not hearing him, and he left. He went unto their altar. And as he was kneeling, suddenly the ground was shaking. Suddenly, thunder and lightening were striking the earth of the valley. And out [came] the multitudes.

And the Lord appeared unto them and said, “For you have sinned, not only unto Me, but unto yourselves. And because of that, look ye down unto this valley and to the valley below unto where your cities were.”

            And they looked down, and there was great fields of food, and orchards and food of all kinds. And they saw this.

            And He said, “You shall leave. But none of your generation except this one boy, for he shall be waiting for your next generation, may enter.”

            And so they wandered from that day forth all and about. And generation by generation they died. And the young came forth. And they entered where the boy lived, who was a man. And they began to farm and produce, and reproduce. And it was not until the last of their fathers’ generation had passed the Earth that any of them could have children.

            For the Lord said, “Now, they have a pathway to enter, [and] they shall learn from their children.”  

            We say unto you, from a child’s heart shall come truth. From a prophet’s mouth shall come truth. Be not so deaf you cannot hear, nor listen.

            You have many questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. Soul John [4-125-2] asks, ‘What is God’s will for me in remaining a minister and helping in the work?’ Does her Father ‘still want me to write a book for Him and you? Do you like [18-560-1’s] suggestion? Please guide me. Thank you.’”     

            We see thy need, and we should say unto you, go forth, and become part of the whole. And the writing shall go swiftly in kind. But we say unto you, remember, we came unto you in your time of need. We are still with you in your times of need − and the greatness shall come about, therefore, and around. But we say, as this begins to happen, learn the lessons of humility. For stir each stroke with a gentle brush and a gentle pen. But as you write, let the fullness of all things come forth, hiding no things – blessing many miracles, as you would call them. Allow those before you to see them also. Write and put pictures into words.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [26-490-4…Globe, Arizona] asks, ‘Aka, my life has been so unsettled these last few years. Do you see any real security in the near future? Thank you.’”

            Yes, we see your need. And we say unto you this manner and this way. If you wish to bring stability into your life, reach beyond those things that you see now, and come forth, and open the book and read, and take of the wine and drink. We say unto you, allow yourself a chance to know your Lord, God, and allow yourself the time to be with Him. For He has tried to open your door many times, yet He knocks and you hear Him not.

            At first, you will not fully understand what we have said, and you will have other questions. Ask and you shall receive. 

            You have other questions. Ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [18-560-2…Baytown, Texas], and he asks, ‘What am I here in this life to learn, and how may I achieve this?’”

            Look unto the first of the reading, look unto the child we have spoke of, and you will see your lesson.  But we say unto you, not everyone must endure generations of hardship. Not everyone [shall] have the chance that you shall have. The door is open. Allow yourself to enter.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [12-242-2…Payson, Arizona]: ‘I am stagnated, procrastinating and unable to make a decision. I need God’s help. What does God, my creator, want me to do? Where, and how?’”

            You shall go about in this way. You shall begin to teach the words that have been taught unto you. Within time you will build a church. But one step at a time. You have been chosen to be, as we would say, the Lord’s eyes. As the time has come from the [great] Corn ceremonies until now, when the door opens again, those who pass through, much as in Noah’s ark, are entering and preparing themselves for this other day. They are preparing for the coming of the Messiah and for the world after. But as it is now, there will be many who shall not, and cannot, and will perish, not just from this Earth. When the last gateway to the worlds [have] been closed, the end of the fourth year, the pathway will be laid before you. If you could bring about this in whole, those things that are needed will be provided. But unto your heart and soul is the words of God. You have seen them written in many places. You will find them in abundance in what you call your reading form. Study these, all. And we shall come again unto you. Ask and you shall receive.

            We say unto you, soul Ray − it is time to waken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, birthdates and addresses to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyrighted © 1988 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona



THE AFTERGLOW: “For Upon the Land

There Came a Mighty Rain...”


            December 5, 1992, the rains began to flood central Arizona. From early January through March, 1993, one rainstorm after another, then another, came. TV weather reporters apologized to give the news of more rain. 

            By January 10, 1993, the Santa Cruz river changed its course. By January 13, 1993, Tucson had received 10 times more rain than normal. By January 20, an all-time record was broken. The nation watched while the Coolidge dam in central Arizona approached flood levels, wondering if it would hold. It was called the most dangerous dam in the U.S. By January 19, 1993, rivers and creeks flooded their banks in Tucson, Phoenix, central Arizona, Winkleman, and even Dripping Springs Road where the church to God stands (but miraculously missed the flooding which was all around it). For more than a month, many homes were underwater in Winkleman, which was declared a national disaster, as flooding continued due to release of overflow from the dangerously high Coolidge dam. But the rains continued. 

            Heavy rains in February, 1993, flooded 600 square miles by the Colorado river near Yuma, Arizona. Crops in Arizona and Southern California were underwater for weeks, as the California drought ended with record rainfall. 

            As Aka prophecies in the parable of November 4, 1988: “And all the land, all about, where food had grown was covered with water. The water was not deep, but yet, it was a continuous rain. Every day, day in a day out, it would maintain the same amount of water. And the multitudes of people were beginning to use up their food supplies.... 

            “And some of the city people came upon a small valley. It was receiving rain also. The rain was making the ground fresh and [ready to] grow. The ground was porous and allowed the rain to come through. And everything in the valley was producing food and substance [sustenance] for the animals.”

            The Dripping Springs valley, where the church to God is built, received much rain also. But this year, the excessive rainfall has left the soil soft and easy to dig. If you put a shovel into the ground in the valley, you can scoop up soil from a foot’s depth, even more, with little effort, the soil is so porous. This makes planting easy.

            And the man who lived in the valley allowed all things to be, for he believed in God’s order and the mighty, majestic scheme of things. And he had been told in his dreams the rains would come, but yet, his valley would be as an ark, and those who were to survive would come into his valley.”

            Ray Elkins, who owns a ranch next to the church, foretold us in January 1993 that the rains would continue, and that there would be flooding in Yuma which would affect the crops.

            Aka says, “But the rains did not stop. They went on and on....”

            Although the nation suffered from tropical storms, flooding in the southwestern U.S. was probably

the most unusual weather news for the country.

            Just look at the U.S. weather patterns for the last 17 months published in Weatherwise Magazine and in the Weekly Weather and Crop Bulletin shared by Dr. William Seller, University of Arizona climatic scientist. 


            The New York Times, March 9, 1993, reports: some think this year’s storms were intense because they were fed by “El Nino,” a vast pool of warm water that develops every 2 to 7 years in the Pacific off South America; it carried warmer-than-usual water off the West U.S. coast from a Philippine Island volcano, “Mayon,” which erupted February 3, 1993. Aka has predicted volcanic activity in the Philippines since 1970. Others believe flooding was caused by volcanic ash from the Philippine volcano, “Mt. Pinatubo,” which erupted in 1991. The ash haze has encircled our globe, reflecting sunlight and lowering the earth’s temperature one degree. 

            In the parable on page 15, Aka says: The boy “went unto the altar, and as he was kneeling, suddenly the ground was shaking.  Suddenly thunder and lightening were striking the earth of the valley.” 

            April 25, 1993, the ground shook as far south as Phoenix, as far east as Winslow, and as far north as Sedona, Arizona.. A 4.8-Richter-scale earthquake, centered 32 miles south of Grand Canyon Village, lasted for 5 minutes and 40 seconds and was the most powerful quake in Arizona in 17 years. (A 5.2-Richter-scale quake had shaken the Chino Valley/Prescott area on February 4, 1976.) Already 30 small quakes have been recorded in Arizona in 1993. 

            And lightening and thunderstorms crashed everywhere at Dripping Springs valley throughout the entire first quarter of 1993. Maybe you saw it!

            Let’s remember why these prophecies and parables are given. They are signs, so that we will believe the things of heaven we are being told. Aka says, “For we are here but for one purpose, to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah.”