June 1, 1984

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Thank you, Aka, Where is soul Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes we see thy need. And we shall answer this question in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

            And we say unto thee, and unto this parable.

            For a woodsman had built his home in the woods, and as the years passed by, the people came forth and made it a recreation area. The woodsman had children. Suddenly, he was told which trees he might cut. The woodsman went along with it, but he did not always agree with it, the people who were telling him what trees to cut, for he had studied this forest a long time. And he knew, by cutting certain trees that it allowed other trees to come forth in new growth. But due to the fact that he had his children to raise, his family to feed, he decided that the easiest thing to do was to go along with those who told him to cut this tree and cut that tree.

            One day, as he had finished his work, he had started home, and there was his daughter, sobbing, crying. And he reached down with his loving arms and picked the child up and said to her, “Why do you cry?”

            And she said, “Oh, Father, look, look at my beautiful flowers. Someone has come and tromped them down.”

            The woodsman looked at this. The flowers had grown, year in and year out, for as long as he could remember, in the same place. And suddenly, those of the flat land who had come as a tourist were tromping down the flowers. The woodsman became angry. What they did to him was one thing, but what they did to his daughter was another. And so he went forth unto the head ranger, and he said unto him, “How dare you to allow this to happen? You call yourself a man who preserves the forest, yet you destroy it. You bring people here who know nothing of preserving a forest, only how to use it and take from it. You bring tourists here, and where flowers have grown, they tromp them down. How dare you do such an evil deed, for you have not only insulted me, you have insulted my daughter, and greater yet, you have insulted the Designer of this beautiful forest.

            The ranger became angry and said, “What designer do you speak of?”

            And the woodsman said, “God, Almighty.”

            The ranger dropped his head in shame.

            A short time later, after many letters were written, a man from the Department of the Interior came forth and told the woodsman, “We are going to declare this area a primitive area, and no one will be able to come in here with their cars, nor take from the forest ever again.”

             The woodsman [just] looked at him and said, “Yes, you too have come to tell me how to run this forest. I have been here long. I have reaped the forest and taken harvests from it. I have never damaged it. I have treated it as a child. And then, it has treated me as a child, for it has wrapped its arms around me and fed my family, built my home. What have you done for the forest?”

            So the man from the Department of the Interior disappeared.

            And one day, an old ranger came forth to take over. And he went unto the woodsman and he said, “You have great knowledge. Why do you not become a ranger?”

            And the ranger and the woodsman sat together, and the woodsman said unto the ranger, “I am a woodsman. I harvest the forest. I do so with a delicate hand. You are a ranger. You should preserve the forest to see that not only men like myself preserve the forest and keep it, but so that all, of all the generations of time, shall share it.”

            And the ranger said unto him, “For that reason, and that reason only, from what you have said is all the more reason you should come and help us teach the young men.”

            The woodsman went home to his family that night. They sat to talk. And all of them decided that he must go. He would keep his home, but he would go. And he would talk and he would show what he knew.

            At first, when he got to the training camps he felt much out of place. All of the people were smartly dressed, all with great educations.

            And as he stood before the classes he said unto them, “I do not have your education. I know how old a tree is by counting the rings. I know how the seasons have been to the trees, whether it has been a wet year or dry year. I know which trees to harvest so that the new trees can come forth and take their place. And that is why I am here, because you are the youth. You should come, for I am not a ranger, I − am a woodsman. And you [should] know the way of the forest.”

            Now he spent many days, and he came home to his family. And on the way home he found his child once again in tears. And he said, “My child, why are you crying?”

            She said, “Look, Father, the new rangers have stepped on my flowers.”

            And he stared, and he said, “My child, I have taught these new rangers of the forest, I did not teach them not to step on the flowers; therefore, it is my fault.”

            And so he went hack to the school. And from that day forth he not only told them all the wisdom of the forest, but he told them of the wisdom of preserving the flowers that others might see them as they pass that way.

            You have many questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. The committee would like to ask, ‘In our new formula we have run across some of the same questions asked before. How and what would you suggest we do about it, and do you have any guidance?’”

            We would say unto you, if questions have become outdated, write to the person, that they might submit a new question, and let this question that they submit come and be answered in its proper time, because they have waited long for an answer. Let it come forth when you receive it.

            But remember, there are those who seek knowledge for the preservation of their homes or their families. There are those who seek knowledge for the health of themselves or their loved ones. If these are emergencies place those before the others, but let all the others come as they are received. For you have come to the well; let it flow. You shall find that if you have faith, the well shall continue to flow. For with love and faith, all things are possible.

            You have questions, ask.

            "Thank you, Aka. Aka, it’s from soul John, ‘There are persons who desire to come here for treatment who feel that they are hindered from doing so by demons. We here feel so encompassed by God’s love and protection that we are unable to relate to their concern in any way that we help them. Please speak to their needs and give them the assistance we do not know how to give.’”

            We say unto you, what one man sees as a flower, another man sees as a weed. What one man sees as a weed, another man sees as food. In the seeking and asking, it is the same. If they truly wish to come forth, from the hearts and souls of them, they shall themselves overcome their problems, for that must come from within. And from within them they shall find the truth.

            For the truth is like a shepherd. He sees his flock. He sees its need, not always its wants, but its needs. And he guides them into safe pastures. And he stands guard over them to make sure that predators may not penetrate. The Lord is a “shepherd and you shall not want.” “Ask in His name and you shall receive.”

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. She [4-125-2] also asks, ‘What does the Lord, God, most want from me, and for my life?’”

            We shall say it [in] this way. The Lord, God, wants but one thing from you in this life, and that is your happiness − the happiness and joy that you shall share with others. If you should seek a rare and precious stone, then show it to others that they may enjoy it. But they must want to see it. You have traveled this road before. Know that only those who have eyes to see shall see, and only those who have ears to listen shall listen. Remember the Lady of Lourdes. No one heard except Bernadine [Bernadette].

            Your have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [16-484-1] asks, ‘Aka, I need some career advice. Should I pursue a career in education, or do you have an alternative suggestions? Please be specific, as I am quite confused, but eager to use my special talents. Thank you.’”

            We shall answer your matter in this way. You have the talent of a business woman, of buying and selling. You have the personality to go with it. If you wish, open a shop, [then] do so, in unique objects. These things you enjoy; these things you have been schooled for. You have been schooled for marketing and fashions. What is the difference whether you sell a gown or a piece of jewelry, if that is what the customer wants? Think along the lines we have talked. Feel them, touch them, see the reality of them. If you like the taste, come back and we shall give your further guidance.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [3-69-2] asks, ‘Before entry, if a soul knows of murder, does a soul also know of suicide?’ She also asks, ‘In one reading you told me of a mature situation. Is this still true, or has something changed in this?’”

            No, the mature situation shall mature.

            But we shall answer your other question. With the proper guidance, even a person who commits suicide, who takes the precious gift of life and casts it aside, they may rise to learn, to be, to touch, to become in reality teachers themselves, for theirs has been a doubly hard lesson to learn, much harder than normal, for they must learn to respect life, their own. When first committing suicide they enter almost a place like limbo; it’s like a long sleep. Yet they see and know what’s going on around them. And it frightens them, for they do not wish to open their eyes to see, and be, and feel. They think, if they do not open their eyes, do not eat, they will starve to death, and surely, then they shall die.

            We see thy need, and we shall say to you in this way. What has been has risen. Fear [it] not; let it flow. For the child that came forth was the child that was once before, and he has learned.

            Now we would say unto soul Ray [1-1-1], that which he has wished for, that that he has reached out for − he has always been able to walk on either side − your daughter [16-481-2] is with us, and she is well. And she could smell the roses, and she knew the meaning of them. She shall touch you closely, for we shall allow her to learn from you. That is your greatest wish right now.    

            Now we say unto all of you, soon comes the time of your Annual Meeting. Some of you have misinterpreted the words that we have spoken unto you. This is not unusual, for many times you have misinterpreted our words, or did not understand from which we spoke. You must understand that it is hard to make ourselves completely clear, when we come not from your language − and even speaking, when we do not speak, we transfer our thoughts from thought and mind to mind. We have come on your plane, at your bidding, to speak to you in your manner, of your kind. Therefore, we wish you shall understand and bear with us, and be patient with us. If you do not understand, just say you do not, and then, we shall have the opportunity [to] place it, the words, into a fashion that you shall understand.

            Now we shall say unto you unto one other part, that you may understand this. As we have said before, in the beginning we did not come unto anyone except unto soul Ray, that he might lead his flock into the better light of God. For some of you that is hard to understand. In the beginning there were five like him. And now, we have but one instrument to work through.

            Understand our words. If you do not understand them, ask and you shall receive.

            Blessed be the name of the Lord, thy God; blessed be the name of His children, forever and ever.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumbers.


[Note: Numbers have been substituted for names, addresses and birthdates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1984 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.