January 13, 1984

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

             And we should say unto thee into this manner, and unto this way. In a village, one early morning, a young man awoken. And as his usual thing, he walked out to the well. There he brought forth the clean, fresh water, and poured it into the basin to wash himself, when suddenly he looked upon the horizon, the hill just above the village – and there was a great light. He washed himself, and clad himself, and by that time many of the young and old had gathered.

And some said it was the sun that they were seeing.

            And he said unto them, “Nay, this light must be the light of the Lord, thy God. And I shall go, therefore, and look for myself, and see the Lord, thy God. Who shall go with me?”

            There were several boisterous lads among them, some, three, who said they would go. And as he began to walk, and the closer he reached to the top of the hill, each of the brave lads split away.

He went on. And as he reached the mountain top he could find a luminous glow, but no great light. And so he spoke unto the mountain top, and he said, “If the Lord, thy God, is here, let Him speak unto me, that I may speak unto Him, for I have come. I am a poor lad, yet I am rich in Thy love, oh, Lord.”

            And the Lord, thy God, did speak unto him. And He said unto him, “We see thy soul, thy spirit, and thy body, and thy immortal body, and therefore, from seeing all of these things within you, we see that the heart thy speak with is a true heart, and your love for your God is a genuine love. And, therefore, we will allow you to go back unto the land unto which you dwell. But each morning you shall speak our name, and you shall tell the people that we have come. And you shall do this for 14 days. And on the 14th day, it shall be Friday, the 13th. If the people have heard you, and they venture forth and make a pilgrimage, then the city in which you live shall be saved. If not, then it shall be wiped from the face of the earth, and you must take your family and leave.”

            The lad thought. There were many of his friends and his relatives which dwelled in this village. They were not sinful people; they were good people. Yet, here was the Lord, his God, who he thought could make no mistakes, yet he felt in his heart and soul that He was making a mistake.

            And so, he knelt unto the earth itself and said, “Oh, Lord, thy God, why do You speak this way of my village? My village is a God-fearing village, who loves You very much.”

            And the Lord, thy God, said unto him, “Because it is a God-fearing village, not a God-loving village, is the reason it must perish.”

            And the lad said, “Surely, my Lord, there must be something that I may bring You in place of my village?”

            And the Lord, thy God, said unto him, “What have YOU to offer?”

            The lad looked around and said, “Only myself, my Lord. Take me instead of my village.”

            The Lord looked upon him, and He said, “So it shall be. But go forth anyway, and tell the people of your village what we have said unto you.”

            And so, with a heart that was heavy, for he had felt he was rejected by the Lord, he went forth, and he did tell the people. And at first it was in ones, and then twos, and then threes. And then soon the whole village was pilgrimaging to the top of the mountain. Each day up until the 13th, he had gone.

            On the thirteenth day he stayed at the foot of the hill, and suddenly a voice said unto him, “See, my son, what might you have, that you have changed a whole city?”

            He looked all around, and there was but a cloud, a cloud, a vapor. And he said unto the Lord, “Lord, put on a form, that I might know unto You.”

            And so the Lord did appear unto him as a young lad. And He said unto him, “I appear unto you as my first begotten son whom you shall soon know, for his name shall be Jesus, and he shall dwell from the House of David. Go, therefore, and become one of his teachers.”

            The lad, with great honor, bid his city farewell. The one thing he noticed as each day as more and more pilgrimages went forth, the crops grew better, the herds became more fertile. The village he left was in good shape.

            And so as he made his pilgrimage into Bethlehem, he reached there the same time and the same day that that of the Magi had reached. And after all had gone and given their gifts, he felt quite badly, for he had none. And he felt quite badly because here was a stranger he would walk up to and say, “I have been sent by thy Father to serve thee.” Surely, he thought, they will cast me out.

            But yet, within him he believed in the word of God, and believing in the word of God made him sure that they would not. And so, he went forth, first unto Joseph, and he said, “The Lord, thy God, has sent me to serve thee, and to serve the babe, the new one, the King of Kings.”

             Joseph looked upon him and smiled, and said, “Oh, what a great God we have to be so thoughtful!”

            He stayed in the service of the Lord for seven score.

            We asked you this question, for we have come to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. If the Lord asked you tomorrow to pick up everything you had, or leave it behind and go forth and serve a baby, would you do so? Would you have the faith in your heart to do this − to leave your family, to leave your friends, to leave the country into which you knew so well, to journey into a foreign land, to serve a Messiah that you had never seen?

            It may sound strange that we have brought this question to you, but we say unto you, each of you, look deeply in your hearts and in your soul, and see if in truth you could do this. Ask yourself the questions we have brought forth tonight.

You have questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. With all due respect, to comment, if God asked any of us to do something, I think we would. If a man asked us to do something, how would we know that we weren’t being fools? I say this because many of us within our organization already have risked our lives many times for what we believe, and I think we have demonstrated our faith. But there are many people who say many things in the world, and who are convinced that these things are so and they’re not always, and how do we tell the difference?”

            If we told you of heaven, could you believe of it?

            I already believe of it.”

            If we told you of earth, could you believe of it?

            “I live in it.”

But could you believe in it?

“Of course.”

That is your answer.

You have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. Could you please help us find out what is causing soul [1-1-1]’s weight problem?”

            Yes. We have a thyroid condition, which could be easily corrected. We also have a water problem, or fluid retention. The body is not releasing the fluids from the body; therefore, it is retaining them. We also have a blood disorder which is causing the spleen to swell and become bigger. The imbalance of the glandular substance is causing him to retain fluids and build more blood than normal, and more irregular cells than normal. At the present time, if the physician at hand does not recognize these, then we would suggest that he seek out a different physician, because the quickest way for him to stop this problem is with certain drugs that are prescribed medications. We would suggest that the physician at hand be asked, that if he cannot handle the job at hand, for him to be sent into a specialist.

            We have also seen growths in the abdominal area, which is causing a malfunction [of] the pineal gland, which is causing the biochemistry of the [molecular] system to be off to an extent that the rapid amount of weight gain can be controlled.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank You, Aka.”

            One moment. It must be fully understood, it’s because of [l-l-l]’s high energy that his [molecular] structure is quite different than yours. Therefore, what would be normal for you would kill him. If you check his temperature, you will find that it is not the same. You shall also find a high raise in the red cell count. We would suggest that further questions be brought up on this subject until a total recovery.

            [You have] other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. I have a question, ‘How did John the Baptist escape the slaughter of the innocents?”

            He did not. He died.

            “I do not understand you; the children were slaughtered because of King Herod’s order.”

            Destroy this temple and we shall replace it in three days.

You have other questions, ask.

            “I have a question from [2-14-4]; he asks, ‘What would be a good career for me to pursue?’”

            First, it would be necessary for the completion of your education; second, electronic repair work on computers be made a specialty. It would not only give you the means to support yourself, but the means to reach for a higher education, which you greatly desire.

You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [15-477-1] asks, ‘In a previous reading you said that an area from Houston, Texas, to Matagorda would break away and form an island. Are you saying that Texas City, and the entire Texas coast, will be a safe place? Thank you for helping all of us.’”

            No, we did not say this. We said that that of the Matagorda island would break away and be a safe place, and parts of the Houston area, or Pasadena area, would be a safe place. But we said, if he who asks could devote his life unto the Lord then these things would be given. And he who has asked has not fulfilled his promise. Yet, there shall be land laid aside.

            When the great storms come, many shall die. When the great wars come, many shall die, for the storms shall be brought forth from the wars. In the land in which you speak, there is nothing to stop, not a mountain, nothing to stop the shock waves which will destroy the city of Houston. There shall be more deaths because of the reaction than actually is caused from bombing.

            This you must realize. Houston is one of the designated areas to be destroyed because, not that it is necessarily a military site, target, but if it is destroyed, then the citizens of the land in which you dwell shall rise up to strike back.

            If you strike, make certain that you strike the [one] right person, because those who now provocate − there are now two sources which advocate war with the Soviet Union and war with the Chinese Republic. Both of these, each believing that when the war ends, that they may step in and make the world a better place to live in, according to themselves, would think nothing of taking the lives of millions. The first is those of the Palestinian, or “Black September” − and these are not of just of one people, but they are made up of the Arabian block; Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Egypt, are but some among the pact. You shall find them ten nations in all.

            Then, in your own country you have organizations who wish to push forth an atomic war. And they will do so rather than abdicate any power that they may have to the colored race. At the same time, the group we have just spoken to you about considers the colored race powerful, and therefore, even though they are Christians of belief, they are considered brothers of kind.

            The tools necessary to bring these things about are in the hands of these people at this time. You have lost enough plutonium alone from your plants to make bombs to destroy every major city of your country, Canada, and Mexico. These bombs shall be placed, much as your first bombs were placed, in towers, only the towers shall be large buildings. The height, in essence, shall be the same as that of Hiroshima or that of the Trinity site.

You have other questions, ask.

             “Yes, Aka, you said something on this line, that these people would try to make Russia think the United States did it and vice versa, if I understood you. Are they also planning to place these in Russia in the same manner?’”

This is true.

            “Is there anything that anyone can do to prevent this?”

 Yes, (sigh) they must be infiltrated and the designated places neutralized.

You have other questions, ask.

            “I have a question from [16-477-2]; he asks, ‘I have written a western story. Are the steps now underway favorable for publication?’”


You have other questions, ask.

            “I have a question from [16-477-3], and she asks, ‘Is my husband’s readings with the pendulum accurate in finding a rich gold vein in Arizona?’”


            We shall answer the question in the mind of those who seek. If gold is that they seek, ask in the Father’s name and it shall be given. But remember, sometimes the searching is a greater joy than the finding, as long as it is done together.

            We shall answer in the mind of one, and you ask, “How may I best serve the Lord, thy God?” And we say unto you, pick up the cup we have laid before you. Pick up the cup soul Ray has laid before you, and drink from it. And you shall find the chalice to be the one and only true chalice.

            And now we shall leave a message for the one known as [13-452-1]. Into your keeping shall be placed new animals. Pasture lands vaster shall be made ready. It is in, and shall become into completeness, that a special animal shall be brought from another land to herd these animals. Before these things are done, go to the place of the miracle of the cow and build a shrine. Make it of stone, and make it that the glory of God shall be known unto you. We did not bring you here to this place for but no reason. You are here for a purpose. [See note below.]

            Now we say unto soul Paul [2-30-1], [let] the one church to God, that a sign shall be made of stone. And upon it shall say, “This is a church for all people. Leave your denominations on the outside and your belief of God to be taken inside with you.” You shall understand fully of what we have spoken this night.

            There are many who say unto us, “What is enough?” Ask yourself, if God quit serving you, what would you have?

            In the name of the Lord, Almighty, awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: The miracle of the cow became known as Ray told of how he and this man to whom Aka spoke in the reading were hiking one day on the side of the Dripping Springs Mountain when they heard a cow bellowing, in trouble. When they found her, they saw that her leg had become deeply lodged between two boulders. They could not budge her or pry her loose, however hard they tried. As she struggled and they pushed, the cow’s leg only became more and more firmly caught in the crevasse. After both men spent much effort and time trying to free the cow, Ray, because he did not want to leave her there to die, called upon God to save her life. Her leg was instantly freed, although both men knew there was no way it could have been. The cow ran off uninjured. Both men had seen a miraculous intervention from God.


Note: Numbers are substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1984 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.