September 9, 1983

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner, and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we should say unto you unto this manner and unto this way.

For upon the land there lies many boundaries. Some of these boundaries have become armed camps. In some ways, it is like giving ten children a canon that is fully loaded, and expecting none of them to ignite the cannon. For one of them will ignite the cannon just to see what will happen.

We have said before, and we shall say again, that that is known as the Soviet Union can only be dealt with from strength, from a total and complete show of strength of those of all religions.

But we shall answer you into this manner, they have used one religion against the other, for they shall divide and conquer, and that is their strategy. They have known of the jealousies that exist between each of the religions. They have made great study of that which can be done to excite and cause chaos, one into another.

We shall say unto you, the person that they wished to kill was not only your congressman, but was of a very highly influential nature in the re­ligious community of the world. For he had sought out, and been sought out by the major religious leaders of the world that a great peace movement would be made to bind all the religions together unto one house of God. [See note on September 2, 1983, reading.]

Russia does not want this, for if it should happen it could mean the downfall of the Soviet doctrine, as such, for an atheist doctrine cannot survive where there are no atheists. And that of the Anti-Christ cannot gather strength from an atheist, yet they shall gather strength from these who shall follow the Anti-Christ.

We have told you of these things before. We have told you that the greatest threat that lied before you came not from the major powers, but from the third world powers, that of the Asiatic world.

Now we say unto you, you may doubt all you wish. But we say this unto you, as we have told you before, you shall hang together or hang separately. This concludes [includes] the countries of what you would know as the free world. And this also concludes you as a people who wish to live and love and be as free people, and worship your God in your own way. If you do not rise now, and make yourselves heard, it shall be one more shovel that shall fill your grave, and the grave of your grandchildren and your children’s children.

We know that that which we speak is of solemn words, but of truth.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. You say, ‘if we do not rise now and take action,’ what exactly would you have us do?”

Peaceful action may be taken by the peaceful countries of the world in banning all trade with that of the Soviet Union. This can be brought about by writing to your congressmen, your senators. Let them feel your outrage.

We say unto you, count the number of dead, and then go into the book of Revelations and see, who are they who shall cry out to God for vengeance. [See The Revelation 6:9-17 and chapter 7.] 

We say, “Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord, thy God.” We [do] not look, or we are not asking you to seek vengeance, only that you stop a fire before it burns your house down. I know that each of you have become so concerned in your own worlds, and in your own separate things, that you feel that action upon your part shall not be heard. Write one letter; let all sign it − or all who will, let them sign it. But let it be known throughout the land that you care.    

If a caravan should cross your land in front of your house, do you have the right to take the lives of all those upon the caravan? What is it? Is it the amount of deaths that shall make you rise up and say, “Enough!” Must they kill by the millions before you shall rise up and say, “No more!” Will you allow this thing, this vile thing to continue? Or, shall you say, “Enough! No more! Not again.” Have you become so weak as a people that you shall continue to allow men and women and children to die? Is it not enough that God sees one of His children die? Must you wait until a million die − is that the price? Is it the price in lives that you wait for? Will you be satisfied when they have taken ten million, or twelve million?

You stood and watched as the Beast, Adolph Hitler, and his gangsters murdered twelve million people, and you did nothing. Is this the price that must be paid once again?

Is it right that if you walk into your neighbor’s house − not his house but his yard − for your neighbor to kill you?

What price shall we place upon life?

There are many peaceful means that can be heard, if they are taken and taken strongly. If the banning of all Soviet aircraft from all the countries of the world − and for those who should not ban them, let them be banned in the other lands − that and that alone would bring the Soviet Union to their knees. If the refusal to unload Soviet ships, or load them, in any land, and all lands, and anyone who should trade or do business with them in any manner − but you, if it effects your pocketbook, you say, “Let it be someone else.” If one person should go hungry in your country because of this, let you all rise and feed them.      

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, I think that you know that we are concerned, and I think you also know that we do not know what government to believe ever, because our own government has lied so much to us −and I speak with personal experience in this − and I was a nine-year-old or younger when Hitler was murdering people and had no control over it, and this is why I asked. We do want to do something, and we also want to know what to do so we don’t seem like fools. I thank you.

“Aka, soul Ray feels that the vitamin combination with niacin mentioned in the reading recently is not as helpful as the combination he was taking at first. Can you please give him a further health reading and elaborate on what he should be doing in respect to this?”

We shall answer your question in this manner. Of the first part of the formula, it should be strengthened to double the amount, for it is weak. But either way, at first you shall not have the effect, desired effect, until taken over a prolonged period, such as three weeks to a month. If this is done then the effect that he desires shall be there. But, we shall say unto you, of that of the “p” properties should be doubled.   

You have other questions, ask.            

Thank you, Aka. [13-441-5...Phoenix] would like to know the exact time of his birth. He says his birth certificate shows January 22, 1934, at the Huron Country Hospital, Colfax Township, Bad Axe, Michigan. The time is established to be 6 p.m., but the exact time is unknown. He says that any information you could give him would be greatly appreciated.’”

Yes, we have the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body. The time you seek is 4:43 p.m.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [15-470-1…Orangevale, California] would like to know if his place halfway up the mountain will be safe to survive atomic fallout, and if not, what should he do to improve it and prepare? Or should he be seeking another location?”

We shall answer his question in this manner. We have told you before that the splitting away of the land masses shall begin, and has began. The first spreading away shall become very apparent from the Eureka to the Gulf of California. The second shall come forth in what is known as Seaside, Oregon, and shall follow a path that shall go beyond that of the − known now as Lake Tahoe. This shall release great amounts of water. The third of the mass shall go from that which you now know is 30-degrees N-NW of Anchorage, Alaska, following a course through Canada into the Nevada. This shall include what you shall know as the states of Washington, Oregon, Utah, Nevada, and shall angle forth and go toward that of the Midwestern United States. This shall leave the land which is now here, above and in a safe zone.

If you shall follow the pathways of the atomic tests, or nuclear tests, and underground, you shall see the great fractures of the earth, and the pathway unto the same.

As we have tried to tell you before, land shall fall and land shall rise. We have suggested that the land that you are on at this time shall rise again, and you may return back there after this has happened. But it shall be shook up, great mass, and masses, in the region which you now dwell and the region which you speak of. Therefore, it would not be appropriate to try to make this of a safe zone at this time.

Of nuclear fallout, we shall try to have you understand that that of the land shall begin and end almost as a twinkling of an eye.

Your greatest fear shall come from mankind itself, and disease, and mutation.

You have other questions, ask.            

Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [15-470-2…El Paso], asks for help with overweight problems, to solve husband-wife problems at home; she desires peaceful harmonies, a loving home. She’s asking for suggestions for her to better help others who ask her to help them heal themselves, and also how can she liquidate debts and prosper?”

We shall answer your question in this manner. Prayer is the greatest answer to most, and all of your problems. But prayer alone, without intent, shall solve nothing. Therefore, bring [full] prayer, and bring [full] intent, and that that you seek shall be fulfilled.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [15-470-3] asks, ‘Do you have any advice for me?’”

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer your question in this manner. For you have come into the land of the Eagle. And yet you have felt him not, that which was the intent for you to feel. Search the land. Look for that quiet place within your soul and body and mind, and you shall find that which is most desired unto you.

And now we shall say unto you, for fear only grows fear. It brings not laughter, nor joy, nor happiness to your hearts. Anger leaves you with an unclear head, not to think with, not to plan with, not to build with.

Ask yourself, in each task that you take, what is the most loving thing you can do for another? And then do it.

If you should take from your daily lives, and do this that we say, the world of peace that we all seek, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah, can be and shall be a reality. Now we say unto you, glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children.

But the, for one who comes and seeks, and yet hears not; for the one who comes to feel and touch, and touches not; for the one who hungers, and yet receives not food; for the one who comes with thirst, and yet drinks not from the pool of love, it’s all around. Then take of our blood, take of our bodies, and give a burnt offering into the Lord, thy God.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1983 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona